Bonnie Wang - Tue 3 March 2020, 5:24 am

The Heart-warming Maze is an interactive installation that combines light with a Maze. The design is based on an application in a meadow. It is designed so that when the user completes the maze, looking down at the grass from a high position, the path of the solution is a warm and encouraging word, the visual effect is very impressive.
How to use it
I have designed 2 versions for it, the day version and the night version.
In the day version:
- Get start at the entrance;
- Try to find the way to the exit and fill the path with flowers;
- Finish the maze and see a heart-warming sentence formed by flowers when the user looks out over the meadow .
For the night version:
- Get start at the entrance;
- Try to find the way to the exit, lights will on when people move;
- Finish the maze and see a heart-warming sentence when the user looks out over the meadow by the light effects.
The inspiration came from the light interactive installation by Studio Drift. What's more, I was inspired when I saw the view from my room of the hotel, because I saw the meadow and I would like to design something based on the grass. So I combined the two ideas and created THE HEART-WARMING MAZE.