Yifan Wu - Sun 12 April 2020, 11:59 pm
Modified: Mon 13 April 2020, 12:56 am
Work have done
On studio this week, we form our insights on miro.

In addition, we assigned the work of the team project, did some background research on the application, the article submitted the report. The thing I responsible for is to enhance the competitiveness and continuity of the game. I analyze in the direction of motivation and designed points and reward system to solve the problem.
During the teamwork next, I hope I can contribute to the graphic design and programming in our project.
I want to search for some projects which are similar to our project, but it is quite hard. We just got something useful about game design and did some research about the target audience.
During the workshop, we reviewed the basic usage of Arduino (Lights flashing). Due to the fact that I have studied DECO7230, it is an easy job for me. The most thing I want to mention is that we solved a big problem which worried us for a long time. Capturing the movement of the visual ball from the projector is not quite practical and we cannot find some projects which are similar to our project. We cannot figure out some way to link projector, bats, and Arduino. At first, I planned to use a mobile phone to substitute the real projector. In detail, we can use the WIFI kit of Arduino and link it to the mobile phone (projector). However, the visual ball still cannot be captured.
So, we ask the problem in the workshop. Steven suggests us to use AR to substitute the projector.
The visual ball shows on the screen of the mobile phone, we need to move it by touching and sliding on the screen. Therefore, we need to transfer the signal of hitting the ball to touching the screen.
But if we do like this, the player needs to notice the small screen of the mobile phones when they [lay the game, which is not convenient for them to observe the surrounding. The ideal situation we think is that the player wears the AR glasses and observe the situation from the screen. In this situation, the player does not need to capture the mobile phone or take the trouble to observe it, but due to the technical problem, we are not able to design such equipment. Therefore, we are possible to make some concessions to realize our project.
Work to do
This table is the general plane for the whole project.

The major problem now is that we don't know how to use the tool to capture the virtual ball projected by the projector, so we prepare to use the method mentioned above. Therefore, we need to figure out how to transfer the signal of hitting the ball to the signal of touching the screen. At first sight, we still need to use the WIFI kit of Arduino to realize it, so the first thing we need to do is trying the WIFI kit. If it doesn’t work, we could make a concession again: wire to substitute wireless.