World cafe + Team!
Paula Lin - Fri 13 March 2020, 10:22 pm
Modified: Fri 13 March 2020, 10:28 pm
This week we did world cafe and formed into our team. The world cafe exercise is very beneficial in helping us to think deeper and further for each themes. For example, one of the theme - Body as controllers, as it is highly related to movements of the body, it is therefore a useful theme for improving people's health/fitness and increasing interactive experiences.

Overall, world cafe is a useful and meaningful exercise to help designers to think more in depth of each themes and develop better design concepts that might have good impact and contribution to the society in future.
We have formed into a team of 4, called The Mobody which is the combination of the two words 'Move' and 'Body'. Our theme is Body as controller.
After getting to know our teammates and drafting out the team charter, we have some discussions and brainstorming on modifying a concept of using fingers to play game, designed by one of our team mate. This round, with a team, we decided to change this game to a fighting jet game where player can use their hands to fly a plane and do some shootings with different hand gestures. This week we will work on defining our concepts, our target audience, looking for more inspirations on interactive games, thinking of possible constraints/limitations and some scenarios that people will want to play our games.

Above figure was a sketch that we have drawn about our game play during the team meeting in the contact.
We will have to do a pitch next week to inform the class of our team's project!