Floor Colouring
Nick Huang - Mon 2 March 2020, 10:12 pm
Modified: Mon 2 March 2020, 10:23 pm
What is it?
Floor colouring is an interactive device, mainly composed of a mobile projector and a bracelet that allow one or more users to interact with the floor in novel ways. This mobile device can project a painting onto the floor, and then the user can adjust the colour of the paint through the bracelet, and then colour the different parts of the painting by mopping the floor.
So when users interact with this device, there are three main parts, paintings, bracelets and the projector. For paintings, users can choose paintings with different difficulty levels through the projector, that means paintings with low difficulty level have fewer colour blocks that need to be filled in, while paintings with high difficulty have more complicated blocks need to be filled in. In addition, users can draw some of their own content in advance and upload it to the projector, so they can customise their paintings. The size of the painting can be adjusted according to the size of the floor to be cleaned, such as zoom in or zoom out. For the bracelet, the user can use the bracelet to select different colours when colouring the painting. The device also allows one or more users to interact and collaborate with each other to complete the colouring process. In addition, when a user finishes the colouring of the painting, they can share their filled paintings on some social media, so that to enable users to socially connect with others. The projector is mobile, so it can be moved around their rooms. It can also show the coloured content onto the floor in real time. In addition, users can also use the records in the projector to print their own work through the printer.
Context of use:
The device can also be used in different scenarios, such as at home or in some public places, like parks. By using it at home, it can increase users’ interest in cleaning, and enable them to cooperate with their families to record the process of cleaning each time and enhance their intimate relationship with family members. In some public places, it can enhance people's awareness of public health and can also serve as a new way of social interaction.

colouring cleaning housework collaborative interaction customisation