Week 2 Presentation Critiques
Ryan O'Shea - Tue 10 March 2020, 9:39 pm
Modified: Tue 10 March 2020, 9:39 pm
This week we did our presentations of generated concepts and critiqued others in a positive and constructive manner. These presented concepts will then be used in week 3 to further generate ideas which groups will use for their overall assessment. There were a lot of good ideas presented, with some standing out as distinctive, creative or disturbing (Smoking Baby, although it probably didn't even have to be named) with the those I liked the most being;
- The Handshake door lock, for being super creative and a simple idea that could be applied in many other scenarios or attached to other concepts
- Thinker Painting, using texture is a simple idea with 3D spaces, yet it is unexplored or could be a whole new way of working with touch that hasn't been used yet
- Mort. Using a smart stuffed toy to teach alone is a great idea, but morse code is applied so well to the toy too in a smart manner that made it charming and creative
- Naomi, turning the mundane everyday sounds you hear into music sounds both fun and creative and is something i'd be interested in doing
Written Critiques