Week 2 - Project Inspiration
Rine Marie Laegreid - Tue 3 March 2020, 1:42 am

Chroma is a tangible tool that encourages playful interaction with colour based on colour theory. The system prompts the user to create a specific colour using the three primary colours; red, blue and yellow. The user may complete the task by applying pressure to one or multiple pressure pads of the colour(s) they decide to mix. These pressure pads are equipped sensors which register user input. The amount of pressure corresponds to the hue of the colour, i.e. a soft touch will generate a lighter colour whereas applying more pressure will generate a darker colour. If the user struggles to find the correct combination, the system will generate hints to assist overall understanding.
The concept can be altered to fit a variety of purposes and target audiences:
- Testing colour perception and fine motoring skills through an interactive game, i.e. use the three colours to match generated colours with varying accuracy within a given time frame.
- Teaching children and adults colour theory by mixing colours to give butterflies a specified colour. These butterflies come alive as animations across the screen for each correct response.
- Creating a mood board in a public space.
How to Interact
- Put hands on pressure boards
The user uses their hands to apply pressure to one or multiple sensor pads simultaneously.
- Apply pressure
The amount of pressure corresponds to the darkness of the colour output, i.e. less pressure for brighter colours and more pressure for darker colours.
- Observe colour output
The pressure applied to the pressure sensors will output a colour on the screen which is responsive to the user input.
The concept and interaction mode is inspired by playful interactions using colour and responsive art such as the Sketch Aquarium in teamLab Borderless museum in Tokyo, Japan. Furthermore, the concept aims to explore colour perception and neuroscience related to visual stimuli.
Gegenfurtner, K. (2003). Cortical mechanisms of colour vision. Retrieved 2 March 2020, from https://www.nature.com/articles/nrn1138
Sketch Aquarium | teamLab / チームラボ. (2020). Retrieved 2 March 2020, from https://www.teamlab.art/w/aquarium