Week 3
Anson Cheung - Sat 14 March 2020, 2:30 pm
Modified: Sun 15 March 2020, 5:35 pm
Week 3
Re- Attempt of Project InspirationOn second attempt my idea has change to Shower singer controller:
So, what does shower singer controller do it replacing the new system that turn on the water and turn on the water output. When a user singing in the bathroom the water supply will start and output continually, when the user wants to turn off it, he must clap his hand 3 times. This could make the process more interesting . The system not only related to turn on and off, when user want to change the temperature, the system will change warmer or colder water depend on the type of the song. If the user singing a rap song, he could get change to much warmer, if it is a classic love song it might get colder. Type of song to change the temperature can be modifying anytime.
Inspiration and problem space.
The inspiration of the idea is when I go to the beach, when you want to use the show you have to keep pressing the button to continue the water output therefore lot of people keep press it until they leave. The water output a longtime even they leave this cause a lot of water wastage, Beside of that when I thinking this idea at I heard my housemate singing while he is taking a bath therefore I want to match up these 2 ideas together to make it more fun and solving the problem space.

World Cafe
In this week we have done a world café that we locate on each table and recreate or explore more ideas on certain problem space. There are few spaces I really like to explore is change through reward. On this topic discuss we could do on potential project. We have divided those into groups changing user metal health, physical health, sustainability, health lifestyle and education. We could force kids to eat greens and matching the idea they use their iPad during their dinner. Maybe if they have eaten their greens for 5 days, they can user their iPad. Secondly, we have discussed visualization of the person lifestyle such as you go to gym and you run enough time there can be an item to present. This problem space has lot of potential to explore and I quite enjoy generating ideas while this topic World café make me recreate or redesign more ideas and this give me a lot of reference to resubmit my project inspiration. I also think this is way better to just think on your won as everyone got different view or ideas, some good ideas normally come from group discussion.

On this week I have also done the uq innovate induction which introduce a lot to me especially the laser cutter which I have never use before. After the induction what I learned is always ask if you are not sure. :)

Group Work
As soon as the team split up we have start thinking what we can do we start to create a list of place we could more explore end up we quite like evaluator. On weekend we start explore more and prepare the prestation