W2 - Percussion Glove
Autumn Li - Tue 3 March 2020, 4:34 pm

Some days ago, I had a dream where I played electronic music with my friend. So I though music theme could be a good idea.
Wearing gloves with sensors, people can make noises of bongo drum, tambourine, snare drum and so on. In this way, it is a product that combines music and social.
How to play
- For two people
Person 1 wears two gloves named a,b. Person 2 wears two gloves named c,d.
When a touches c, the sound is bongo drum.In this way, these two people can play music by clapping hands.When a touches d, the sound is tambourine.
When b touches c, the sound is snare drum.
-For more people
More instruments and combinations of them can be prerecord for people to play. It could be like a hand band.
It can be a children clapping game (from Lorna).
Sensors can also be put on legs, hipbone to represent notes (from Jenny).