Week 10
Yubo Zhuo - Sat 23 May 2020, 3:01 pm
The entire prototype was carried out through week 10 and also underwent additional feedback from the user community assessment. I will take the existing feedback and analyze it to come up with the features that I think need to be changed and enhanced. In addition, only the orientation function has not been successfully implemented so far, and the implementation step of the GPS sensor is a very big challenge, which I find difficult to create and implement. After that, I'm likely to abandon the idea and then need to consult more users to evaluate what form of 'finding companions' multiplayer interaction needs to use to sense each other. A new idea, for the time being, is that 'the closer you are to each other, the more often the lights flicker'.

One of the feedback on the appearance of the prototype is that users feel that our prototype remains in the electric board state with matching and numerous irregular wiring and sensing devices. This makes everything a lot less physical and visual. They look forward to seeing our complete work afterwards. And they also discuss that the appearance of the prototype is a beginning stage that can catch the eye and receive the attention of the masses. If this phase is not completed successfully, the user experience will be very bad. This means that we will embody the prototype without circuit boards and without wires in our next demonstration. Then expect that I will also place a functional diagram to show the interpretation of the different functions scattered throughout the prototype.
Second, this give-back is very interesting and meaningful. They thought the activation sensing device affixed to the body was too cumbersome and would make the whole operation strange. The wearable is the need to provide the most convenient and easy to use features for the user. At this point, my considered view, for the time being, is to secure the starter induction piece to the seat so that the user no longer has to carry the induction with them.
On top of that, they mentioned adding a single-player mode because the multiplayer interaction mode is hard to find to others. In response to this, I'm going to stay with the original idea. The single-player mode does not contain interesting interactions in normal operation, and the device acts as an alarm clock to remind and not to give the user a deep experience and experience.
Points we need to discuss and study.
- The wearable device argument is fine, but how can convenience be maximized in a prototype?
- Is there a need to add and implement a single-player mode?
- Is there a need for another annoying mode when the vibration function is not obvious?
- In exceptional cases, the user may suspend the equipment or the user has three opportunities to do so per day.