Week 10
Anson Cheung - Mon 15 June 2020, 4:03 pm
Modified: Mon 15 June 2020, 4:04 pm
Group Work / Idea Changes
This week we have to critique other team works inside the course with 3 teams and watching their video introduce their works. Most of them are brilliant and I am very happy to see how other works working through the 10 weeks. Most of the video are well explained and well made. This reflects my video showcase as it is not well explained because there is not much live showcase most of it is words and background. This gives me inspiration on how to make a good showcase video. Besides I have received a lot of comment on more idea which most of them a valuable and adapt them to evaluate the idea. One of the most important questions is what is the poser represents and does it have any meaning? And this is the question I never thought this will have to improve before the exhibition.
Prototype Building and video showcase
My prototype mainly builds on posenet and neutral network. Posenet is used for post estimation and record the body xy asix data. The neutral network will use the data that record to train the data for post matching. This prototype mainly has 3 functions press key blind to record the body data. If you press “f” then the data record later will represent this variable. Another function is to train the data for post matching the last one is post matching with the data yo record . However the post matching system are not stable sometimes I can’t be used. This will improve in the next prototype.
Video Showcase lINK