Week 11 Recap

Jessica Tyerman - Sun 24 May 2020, 9:39 pm

Work Done & How it Relates

The start of this week was pretty quiet for me with this course. After the Wednesday studio that included the explanation of the next deliverable and my questions answered, I began focusing on building my website. I'm not sure if it's the best task to try to tackle next but it's definitely one that scares me. I have been trying to implement the base of the website and get a rough version of the landing page so that I can focus on my product as well as producing and inserting the content.

I envisioned my landing page to be very minimal with just the word 'Emily' and a light bulb that could be turned on and off (ie. saving energy just like Emily is designed to do). I have made a still photo of what I have envisioned with the "lights on". There is definitely more I could play with but my focus is definitely needed elsewhere.


Whilst the design is quite basic and blunt, this is the style that I am intending. The product is in the form of the snowman which is typically portrayed as bright and snowy and fun. I hope to move this into the rest of my website.

Work To Do

With only 17 days until the Exhibition, there is a huge list of things I need to complete. I'm trying to break it down into tasks that I can complete over a few days. This helps me remain calm and not panic about the craziness of the ending of the semester! I will still need to build the rest of the website and write the content I want to go into it.

Emily still needs a lot of work before I am happy with the final form. I need to fix the technology including the temperature comparison and the display of lights. I also hope to finish the additional parts of Emily (such as arms and a hat) and combine it all together including spray painting.