Week 2 Journal
Zihan Mo - Sun 8 March 2020, 11:01 am
Modified: Sun 8 March 2020, 11:02 am
The week, we were having our 2 min pitch during the contact. It was good to see others' concepts. Some of these are really great and simple concepts that match all criteria very well. We also wrote down critiques to others' concepts which help us to improve our concepts in the future.
I also got feedback from Lorna. She gave me some advice about the interaction of my game. Not only project shadow on the screen, there can be more ways of interaction such as sound or heat effect, users need to squat down when they hear the sound or feel the heat. The game can also motivate players to do other exercises such as jumping. One of my friends also mentioned my concept is not novel since she had played a game with a similar technique. But I thought the purpose and interaction of my game are different.
I haven't done any soldering before and I have limit experience with building the circuit. But this session was running pretty well because tutors gave enough help. I think soldering is very useful for us to design an interactive project if we are going to implement sound or light effects.