Week 14 Journal
Zihan Mo - Mon 15 June 2020, 12:37 am
Modified: Mon 15 June 2020, 12:37 am
During the exhibition, I have watched many interesting and meaningful concept and our team have demonstrated our concepts by using three teddy bears, each of us were working on different learning content and these contents focus on incorporating multi-sensory learning that encourages children to use more than 1 senses to engage with learning. Each prototype utilizes the sense of touch, hearing and vision to assist with children’s learning experience. We got many positive feedbacks and many audiences thought our concepts can effectively help kids learning in a funny and interactive environment, and develop their motor skills, and they thought it was an interesting way to present our concept. We also got many suggestions on how we can incorporate our concept together. Some of them also mentioned the tone of the audio is not friendly enough and the use of the word is too complex for the target age group.One of them has mentioned I need to deal with the incorrect response and no response situation. I think I need to consider these issues to make the prototype more friendly to the kids.