Week 2 - Pitch and 78-207 Workshop Induction
Laura Pham - Sat 7 March 2020, 9:24 pm
Modified: Sun 8 March 2020, 4:21 pm
Tuesday (3 March 2020)
I was in the (un)fortunate circumstance of presenting first, and once I had completed my pitch, I felt extremely relieved.
Because I had already completed my pitch, I was able to focus and listen to the following presentations without being worried.
A few of my personal favourite designs were Mort.
I found the number of times 'Smart' used in the name of a concept to be amusing as most people used said word to describe technology that would passively sense human interaction.
I was quite concerned with some of the 'Smart' concepts, namely: the Smart Fridge and Smart Toothbrush. Personally, the electric toothbrush that I own is capable of all the technologies that were described for the Smart Toothbrush.
78-207 Workshop Area Induction
At 1:00pm I had the workshop area induction for 78-207. Although I had access to the work shop last semester (Semester 2, 2019) and still currently do, Steven's run through of the rules and hand tools was a fantastic refresher!
The last induction that I need to complete is the UQ Innovate Induction, which I have booked for Monday 9 March.
Wednesday (4 March 2020)
After listening to the pitches, each poster was displayed, themes were generated and concepts were collated together.
During this activity, a class mate had approached Jess to discuss the similarities of their two ideas.


When each concept was placed under a relevant theme, it was easier to see the similarities that each concept had in regard to enhancing everyday life.
It was great to see the themes that had been produced the previous day (had missed this activity due to 78-207 Workshop Area Induction).