Week 3
Bowen Jiang - Sun 15 March 2020, 12:54 pm
Contact Reflection
The Tuesday contact section conducted a world cafe activity to make us know every theme deeper and also gave us the chance to generate more inspirations. The most impressive theme for me is creative learning. The hoster introduced the modified case to us, which adds a new function allowing multiple players.

From the discussion, I found there are three main considerations about the theme - Learning what, How to learning it and the level of entertainment. There is a correlation between the three elements, like more novel the way and stuff we learn, the higher level of entertainment it will be. Therefore, for this theme, it is necessary to avoid the traditional educational methods and targets, for example, learning language through an application. All three considerations have effects on the motivation of users, so it is a big concern on how to build a system that can both attract interests rapidly and keep users learning constantly.
The Wednesday contact section invited Bash to have a presentation about his experience to get a job and what should we prepare for the interview. His advice and experience are really helpful and constructive, like the detail about how to garner trust from the interviewer and make the whole process easier for them. Finding a job always be a challenge, especially, it is my last semester. I know the process of role transition is never easy, but hopefully, everything will be alright at the end of the day.