Documentation & Reflection

Post Exhibition

Bowen Jiang - Mon 15 June 2020, 3:52 pm

Final tasks & outcomes

It was intense in the last two weeks, cause we still left a number of tasks. The map is a huge issues due to the limited material choice. Yet, we need our map to have the features that attract users' attention. Therefore, the ornament should be at least eye-catching. Based on this rule, we chose to full in the blank area with grass and add light color labels on it. It is hard to find real grass, so we used a green towel instead. Cover it over the hardboard turns up a satisfying result.


The irregular edge of the route is not the artifact issues, instead, it leaves the space for the robot to turn itself. And the circles represent one step (one forward command distance).

Final product

  • Some sketches of pixel-style figures for our project:
ImgurImgur ImgurImgur
  • Final concept & demonstration

Enjoy the peaceful moment

Cheer for the survival in the final exhibition and salute to all tutors and classmates, especially, to my great teammate Solomon who brings a great contribution to our project. It is a tough semester that every experience is unexpected but precious. Besides, it is definitely a pity that no one can actually interact with our project during the exhibition. Anyhow, for my personal perspective, our team accomplished the majority of the initial goals and successfully explore the robot-based interactions' effect on teaching programming. And it is time for us to enjoy a short enjoyable moment.

Week 13

Bowen Jiang - Mon 8 June 2020, 10:01 am

This week, we are in the final project sprint. Solomon and I had three meetings to discuss the map, conducting user testing, and solid our system. In user testing, we refine our tutorial section, the robot will introduce more details about the system, like the function of each block, the usage of the map, and the rule of the interaction. Besides, in terms of the limited time, we use the material from our daily life to build and decorate the map. Here is our map below:


We only decorate this map, there is another map we draw on its back, it is designed for the people to seek for more challenges.

In the first meeting, we also fix the bug mentioned last week, which is wall detection by inserting a digital matrix map in the system. The digital map will record the current location of the robot and list all the moveable paths, thereby once the robot attempts to leave the main path, the system will focus the robot to raise the error warning. The images below are the map class and object (wall, road, and final target) setting.


There is another issue in the refining system section, in terms of the drawback of the camera capture(capture multiple images in a short period), it is hard to input two same commands in series because the list needs to remove duplicates. Therefore, we created a new code block called 'Duplicate' that enable users to duplicate the previous command, for example, when users want the robot to move forward three times, instead of using "W" three times, they should input "W", "Duplicate", "W".

Here is our need tutorial section:

Week 12

Bowen Jiang - Sun 31 May 2020, 11:30 pm

What I have done

This week, I try to combine my prototype with Solomon's. It works but still reminds some technical issues like the robot can not recognize the loop times and the wall. Programming a compiler that translates the pseudocode into real codes is far more difficult than I expected. The previous codes can more or less simulate the if statement and loop function, however, if the nested loop getting complex, the outcomes may turn to be errors. Therefore, I have to refine the codes of the compiler by dividing the input codes into different lists. For now, once the compiler retrieves the input commands, the compiler will catalogize those codes into four lists, loop function list, if statement list, else statement list, and normal commands list. And then, the system implements the list with computer-natural-reading order. This improved compiler can solve the multiple nested loops problem. Whereas there still has a bug that every time the robot will implement the if statement twice. Although the second time, it will automatically fail and not affect the final outcomes, this situation avoid me to activate the sound notification, for example, the robot used to say 'Start checking the wall'. Here is the retrieved list:

The remained issues & works
  1. The system checks the if statement twice
  2. Can't check the marks (wall detection) multiple times, otherwise, error calls "call before loop get ready" will turn up.
  3. We have designed the digital maps but not make the physical one and we are still struggling with the material of the map.
  4. For the annotated portfolio one, I have finished the texture part, and I decide to use the pixel style as the theme of the website.
Plan for the last ten days

Tomorrow, I will meet Solomon again and try to figure out the physical maps. And combine our prototypes to have user testing. The detailed meeting agenda will be recorded in the next journal. I gonna fix the technical problems before 5th June, no extra time for this part, if I can't fix the functions, there will be using simulation in the final projects(as it is not the main purpose of our project that the robot is so powerful that can self solve all the demanded commands). We have to focus on our initial purpose that makes the project as the exploration for the creative programming learning, and meanwhile, contribute to eliminating the negative impression of novice to start learning to program. The user testing and effectiveness of the system are the key points that we must consider.

Week 11

Bowen Jiang - Sun 24 May 2020, 12:46 pm

Meeting Reflection

Based on the critiques, Solomon and I conducted a zoom meeting this week to list all the considerable suggestions and allocate the tasks. The main problems are the unclear target audience and no edified pseudocode. Therefore, to get a further understanding of the requirements from users, we plan to have a card sorting to evaluate which kind of pseudocode suits the users most. The brief procedure is that invite the people, who are pro in programming, to sort the cards based on the tasks we designed. If the current pseudocode doesn't match their conceptual model, they can create one for us. From this activity, we can learn the common combination of the blocks and, especially, know which kinds of pseudocode we should apply to the blocks.

Besides, additional research will be located on keeping identifying the age groups of our users. After the meeting, we concluded that although cover all the users with the same programming skill and problems, which they both have negative impressions on learning programming, is effective, the passion for our project is different. For instance, senior people may merely accept robot-based learning. And which age groups have the highest demands of learning programming is one of evaluating standards. Here is our mind map for the future iteration:


This week, we tried to combine our prototype but still reminding issues to fix, like the different signal types and input mode varying that need extra works on refining our codes. And we are still struggling with how to give feedback on users' errors. Plan 1 is that as we already knew the precise route, we can detect every input from users and check whether it is correct or false so that the robot can give instant feedback. Whereas this plan breaches our initial wish, we hope users learn the ability of locating the errors themselves based on the visualized codes, which is the process of robot performance. Plan 2 is that the robot has the mark-recognize system, we can place an object with a special mark. Thereby, after the robot finishes all the input commands, it will start the position detection. The problem with this one is the system can not give detailed feedback on the errors. So, maybe combining plan 1 and plan 2, which detects input codes via both physical and code-based checking and record all the specific errors as the feedback. For example, if users tend to place redundant codes but still arrive at the target spots, the system will detect those useless codes and give feedback like there are redundant commands on the X steps.

The map of the system

In our system, the map also represents the different levels of programming. There are some limitations to the function of robots, the system only can realize simple programming syntax like if statement and loop. Therefore, the map can not be over complex and as the robot needs use the camera to find its charger, the map can not be 3 dimensions.

Week 10

Bowen Jiang - Sun 17 May 2020, 11:22 pm

Prototype preparation

This week, I worked on the final modification of the prototype. To make it match the demands of the tasks, I design two different types of maps. One of them is designed for the tutorial part, thereby the construction of it is simple so that users can have a practice of the implementation. Another map is designed for users to train their programming ability to use if statement and loop function.

In order to test the voice outputting function, the robot will introduce the concept of the project and the way how users interact with the system. Ideally, the robot will drive to the object while this object is been introducing. However, the recognizing function of the robot doesn't support directly identify the object (Although I tried to link the robot with the google API for the recognizing database, the function doesn't work well). Therefore, for the prototype, I need to place all the tools in a certain space and programming the robot to drive with a predetermined route.

Reflection of prototypes

During the contact session, we conducted a team-based critique of other projects. The project of designing an interactive elevator really impressed me because of the huge challenge that their target users usually spend less than 1 mins there. The situation will be even more complex with a variety of users' personalities. Therefore, our team suggested them to build some fringe scenario to have further empathy with their potential users. This critique inspired my project as well, as the initial design of the robot has the frustration system, which may arouse the negative emotion of fractious users. Therefore, in the next design iteration, it is necessary to build some fringe scenarios to prevent issues.

From the critique of team Garfunkel, they mentioned that From the critique of team Garfunkel, they mentioned that the finite numbers of blocks may limit users’ programming approaches and gave us the suggestion to improve the blocks by adding multiple pseudocodes. Besides, they also indicated that the robot may potentially distract the user from learning to program. Therefore, in future development, I will reduce the irrelevant emotions and motions of the robot and put more focus on the teaching part and feedback section. Or perhaps, users can compose a specific command with blocks to adjust the balance themselves.

From the critique of team Hedgehog, they mentioned that the age group of our target audience is not specific enough. It is one of my biggest concerns as well. In terms of our previous research, the programming ability difference of users is significant even in the same age group. Besides, it is hard to let a user truly master a programming language only through our system. Thereby one of the main purposes of the project is to enhance the motivation of novice and also eliminate their negative impression upon learning to program. To build the system with that starting, it doesn't matter how old you are but it has to be the people with the same problem and at the same skill level.

From the critique of team Supparoo, they suggested us to explore more possible interactive modes, like multiplayer mode, to enhance the playability and motivation of users. Besides, they also suggest us to conduct user testing based on the prototype to evaluate the functionality among each section. It will absolutely list within the recent developing plan, and aim for knowing the effectiveness of the tutorial and error feedback.

Week 9

Bowen Jiang - Mon 11 May 2020, 3:21 pm


In last two weeks, I focus on building the function to translate the signals into python codes, so that the robot can follow the codes to navigate the map. In terms of the time, I haven't had chances to combine my part with Solomon. Therefore, I need to simulate the signal by the manual input. To make the input easier, I use the number to represent specific commands. Like number zero represents the robot.goForward, numbers 1 and 2 respectively represent the robot.turnRight and robot.turnLeft. For instance, if you input number string 0101010, it means the robot will drive in a square. However, the loop function and 'if' function are both complex because of the nest relation.

Besides, although the robot can recognize particular markers to identify the object, the detected distance is out of control, which means the robot may identify the object with an unexpected position. If you want to program a function that when the robot detects a wall, I want it to turn right. However, in this situation, the robot will turn right before the schedule.

Furthermore, it is my first time to combine the map and the robot, there happened lots of issues like rugged surface may cause the robot to change its route.

Week 8

Bowen Jiang - Sun 3 May 2020, 4:11 pm
Modified: Sun 3 May 2020, 9:42 pm

Project process

After finishing concept justification, I start the execution stage. Based on the outcomes from last week's team meeting, I firstly design 3 types of maps to fulfill different practical purposes. The lighting mark represents the position of the robot's charger and the flag mark represents the target spot.

Imgur Imgur

In terms of the limitations of Anki Vector, the main content of the system is that users help the robot in arriving at the target spot via placing the right order of the scripts. Then, the robot will follow the input codes to navigate to the destination. According to my initial plan, I set three milestones that I need to accomplish before the week 10 prototype.

The first one is that build the user interface for the tutorial and learn how to reprogram the robot.

It costs me a really long time to learn the python again. For now, I can control the functions including voice output, motions, and movement. For the UI aspect, under the tutor's advice, I should more focus on the physical inputting aspect rather than considering digital output. Therefore, there is no more user interface to introduce the tutorials, instead, the Anki Vector will use voice output to give users a brief understanding of the system and how the system works. Here is the demonstrate video:

  • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
The second milestone is designing the game flow of the system

The outline of the interaction flow will be a tutorial with system introduction, user operation period, and timely feedback period. Here is the workflow of the system:


Week 7

Bowen Jiang - Sun 26 April 2020, 10:20 pm

What I did this week

First Meeting

As I still work with Solomon, we had several meetings this week to discuss the details of our project. Although the initial concept has been confirmed, there are lots of details remain to be justified like why our concept is superior to those digital-input coding learning software, which kinds of the format of the coding should we teach, etc. Therefore, we create a simple concept map ( to catalog those themes. Here is the concept map:


We reconsidered our initial concept according to the three main points, encompassing its merits, functions, and the form. The red comments represent the unsure or unprovided concept. The reason why we need to ensure the game style is that we don't know whether we should set specific tasks or just let them manipulate the robot freely. If this part is tangible, it is hard for us to make particular interactive processes.

User research (game styles survey)

In order to justify those parts, we allocate the mission through user research including interviews and questionnaires to have both qualitative and quantitative data. The questionnaires for the game style is demonstrated via this link ( ). The results indicate that 80% of participants prefer task-based games as learning tools.


From that part of outcomes, we also can know some of the key points to keep users' motivation, which is the sense of accomplishment and fully guiding.

Second Meeting

After finishing the conclusion of the user research, Solomon and I refined the concept map based on that. Here is our version 2.0 concept map:


Besides, we also co-design the prototype for the week 10 demonstration. In terms of our different focus (Soloman focus on the input part, and I focus on robot manipulating part), the common space for us is that decide the specific task that the robot may accomplish. There are two main tasks we prepare so far, one of them is users help the robot to get to the target spot (practicing looping and logic ability). And the other one is maths that allow users to realize the arithmetic under 5.

Week 6 Reflection

Bowen Jiang - Sat 18 April 2020, 9:03 am


Novel Research Methods learning

During the contact session, we explored a novel way to conduct the observation without arriving at a specific place but achieve our target via internet resources. The majority of us choose to use Youtube as the platform to have the research. Compare to the traditional methods, there may be two demerits, no-updating resources, and fixed shots. The first one can cause you to garner the inaccurate and out of date information, and the other one may avoid you having the completed observation toward particular people, instead, get lots of fragments data. Whereas the merit of it is also obvious, you can conduct several observations simultaneously and remotely. Here are the outcomes for the implementation:

Break down the project

Our team used the mind map to break down our project, as we still share the same target - creative learning for programming. We separated the entire project into two big themes, concepts and entities. For the concept parts, we listed all the possibilities of usage, design principle and rationality of the project. It does help me to broaden my mind, as it can also be regarded as some kind of brainstorming. We found different places to implement our project, thereby each that give us extra design idea to modify our project into more universal. For example, if we assume people use it on the bus, we must consider its portability. Here is our entire mind map on Miro:


Anki Vector Exploration - Object Detection

Bowen Jiang - Sat 18 April 2020, 8:02 am

In order to realize conditional construction in our project, it is necessary to make the vector has the function of object detection. Therefore, I searched the examples on Youtube, it turns out some really helpful demonstrations.

Also, appreciate the video author that he shares the GitHub link of this function as well Funtional-python-file.

Week 5

Bowen Jiang - Sun 5 April 2020, 2:05 pm


During the contact this week, all of our team share our concern with tutors. Considering the difficulty of quarantine and work allocation, there are lots of different ideas within our team. We used to consider option 1, which only demonstrates one prototype as a team. However, as I mentioned, we may accomplish all of the ideas before the quarantine, yet it is the time to locate own focus among those thoughts. That was the conflict and problems in our team before this contact. Thanks to Lorna showed us a way to separate the team, which we still share the outcomes of every research and technology, but we can contribute to our own direction.

I have found research indicates that visualizes the process of coding will significantly improve the pedagogical values of code learning. Therefore, my current concept of the design is about using Anki Vector to visualize the coding process. Here is some examples, the first one is if users input commands like go forward, look around and find a specific object, the vector will follow those commands one by one and finally get the target object. That one is the general usage of my system, which requires Anki to follow the commands strictly. Another example is applying the basic arithmetic like plus, minus into the system. It needs the correct coding of users so that the vector will move numbers of the cube to demonstrate how those codes work in the pc.

There are still a lot of issues need to be justified, like whether it is necessary visualizing the simple code, for example, print" Hello world". Other issues are all about the technology part. Therefore, I am considering adding some digital elements into the system but still keep the integration as the physical form. That will reduce a lot of work in building the prototype. Btw, The future plan and other details will be covered in the proposal file.

Technology exploration

Bowen Jiang - Thu 2 April 2020, 1:52 pm

Anki Vector

As our team chose to use Anki Vector as the intelligent character for our project, it is essential to know how it works and how we can re-program this robot. Here is our new member - Ninja vector

Imgur Imgur

Anki Vector has already integrated some functions with the app, like audio-based commands, facial recognition, and interactions with a cube. Besides, there is the official SDK (Self Development Kits, for users to customize their own vector by using Python.

It is a little bit hard for me to fully understand its original python files and the only functions I can program for now are the basic movements, audio playing, and charger finding. Although I can't understand the detail codes, I can read the construction and imitate its functions from the tutorial files, which are the current approaches I use.


For the future plan, I will keep exploring the usage of SDK and try to build the object recognition and animating functions.

AR technology

I found a useful AR tutorial:

This tutorial introduces the Vuforia that we can upload any image as the tracking target. And combine with unity to achieve the tracking and demonstration. As the video published in 2017, some procedures have been changed. The new version of unity integrates the Vuforia tech itself. The detail information is indicate in this site:

Week 4

Bowen Jiang - Sun 29 March 2020, 3:36 pm

Critique conclusion & Idea improvement

Through the critique from the Slack, our team discussed and concluded several points as the future potential improvements.

  1. Focus more on exploring the gap between plaint-language and coding language (From Lorna)
  2. Change the target audience from age 9-12 to the people who never learn the coding language before. (the age is not enough specific for our project, cuz there may a lot of children already had the foundation of coding)
  3. Maze — Box moving (From Zebing Yao, Clay 'I think keeping the robot in the maze is limiting')
  4. This would allow for the robot to modify its own code being able to correct your code. (From Clay)
  5. It is hard for our target audience, which needs an effective and attractive tutorial for them.
  6. Consider more about how can users learn from failures (when they use the wrong coding logic or the wrong order of the codes blocks).
What our team have done so far

After reading through the critique, our team has conducted some research about the existed coding-learning robots, for example, the Anki Vector and Cozmo. Anki Vector is an AI robot that can express emotion and accomplish simple problems. Furthermore, the Vector supports audio-based commands input and gives access to users to re-program every function of the robots. That is perfectly suitable for our concepts and solve the technical problems, as we have no idea about how can we build our own intelligent character. However, with the help of Anki Vector, our team can revise the initial idea and make the interaction process easily implement.

Impacts on our concept

The original workflow of the Ninja Run is to use code blocks to compose a functional program and recognized by the camera. Then, the camera transmits the data to our laptop. Finally, the laptop output the transcribed data to our intelligent character to manipulate its movement. Credit to Owen's magnificent works in the proposal slide, the image below demonstrates the basic workflow.


Although the workflow is clear, the mechanism and technology are still not workable at that time.

The new concept of our project is that using the Anki Vector as our character, in terms of its functions, we can use voice input to send commands to it. We only need to pre-program some functions with it and use voice input to trigger those functions. Besides, based on the ability of the robot, our team modified the content of the game, as the maze is only involved in moving but we want our users to learn more coding technic.

Therefore, the new game will be moving the box to the target place(still not the final decision). It has some benefits, like with the different goals, the game can shift the difficulty to improve the usability. We still keep the coding box because of its tangible features that can enhance the understanding of users.

About the camera part, we want to build an app by unity with the AR technology. When it detects the coding blocks, the app will output the matched audio to trigger the robots.

The plan for the next weeks

The allocation of every team member for this week is to explore the gap between plaint-language and coding language and get through some literature reviews to find out the playable solutions. Besides, put the concept into practice, use the unity to build the app and try to re-program the Anki robots to meet our demands. Furthermore, the concept and interaction flow are still not fully decided yet.

Team - Bee Bear Lions & Initial design idea

Bowen Jiang - Sun 15 March 2020, 3:37 pm
Modified: Sun 15 March 2020, 3:39 pm

Bee Bear Lions

Our team's name is Bee Bear Lions composing by our spirit animals. It is really exciting to have another chance to cooperate with my old squad - Owen, Solomon, and Liony. Credit to Owen, our chief visual designer, every team member has a cute symbol now.


Idea Inspiration

During the contact section, our team conducted a brainstorming based on the theme - creative learning, so as to decide the learning goals and target audience for our design. Here is the organized set:


After team voting, we finally pick the coding education for teenagers. The game "7 billion humans" inspires us on how to make the script into physical and gave us the initial idea. The game is actually digital but the mechanism of playing is interesting. The player places the command box in a certain order and the character in the game will execute the instruction as the precise order. The game helps people to learn the coding logic and simple functional commands like if and while, rather than teaching a particular coding language.


Therefore, if we can make those commands into the physical cube and using a camera to recognize them with a certain order, users also can manipulate a character with scripts. That is a raw concept, so we need to drop more details into it. Liony gave us a hint, it is about a smart automated chessboard, which every chess can move by itself.

The technology can be applied to our design, after the system record all the script blocks, it can control the character(physical model) movement based on the order. In order to make the process more attractive, there are two versions of the idea. The first one is a puzzle game, using the script to help the character escapes from a maze. (Details will be presented at the proposal pitch) The second version is an adventure game, there are multiple ways for users to select and there may have enemies, traps and bouns weapon in the different paths. User all needs to operate is to measure the best way and compose the script blocks into right order to fulfill the plan. That aims to help newbies getting to understand the coding logic and commands.

Week 3

Bowen Jiang - Sun 15 March 2020, 12:54 pm

Contact Reflection

The Tuesday contact section conducted a world cafe activity to make us know every theme deeper and also gave us the chance to generate more inspirations. The most impressive theme for me is creative learning. The hoster introduced the modified case to us, which adds a new function allowing multiple players.

Imgur Imgur

From the discussion, I found there are three main considerations about the theme - Learning what, How to learning it and the level of entertainment. There is a correlation between the three elements, like more novel the way and stuff we learn, the higher level of entertainment it will be. Therefore, for this theme, it is necessary to avoid the traditional educational methods and targets, for example, learning language through an application. All three considerations have effects on the motivation of users, so it is a big concern on how to build a system that can both attract interests rapidly and keep users learning constantly.

The Wednesday contact section invited Bash to have a presentation about his experience to get a job and what should we prepare for the interview. His advice and experience are really helpful and constructive, like the detail about how to garner trust from the interviewer and make the whole process easier for them. Finding a job always be a challenge, especially, it is my last semester. I know the process of role transition is never easy, but hopefully, everything will be alright at the end of the day.

Week 2

Bowen Jiang - Sun 8 March 2020, 10:13 pm

Reflection & Inspiration

In this week, all of us shared the idea and inspiration with classmates. There are lots of ideas are about the "Smart XX", which embeds AI technology into the daily necessities or normal objects, like floor and mirror to make a better life for human kinds.

As my original idea is more focused on training people's creativity rather than assisting them. Therefore, after the class, I tried to improve my idea with the new inspirations. From those pitches in the contact, some of them mentioned about the emotion detecting. So, I was thinking about how to combine that function with the shadow wall.

Plan 1:

This one might be a little fictional. Once the shadow of the user drops on the shadow wall, the shadow itself can have personal awareness. Thereby, when people feel anxious or lonely, even "shadow man" can't talk, it can turn itself into any shape of warming thing, likes a vivid puppy, a bloom, to comfort you.

Plan 2:

In terms of the function that the shadow wall catches all the shadow on it, the new feature can be recording. The camera records video or pictures in purpose, but the shadow wall records the story unintentionally. The concept is when something surprising and meaningful happens, the wall replaces the camera to record the moment for you by the format of shadow. An accidental album to save the oblivious stories.

Soldering induction

In this section, we learned how to read a simple closed circuit and the basic soldering skill.

Imgur Imgur

Inspiration & Idea

Bowen Jiang - Tue 3 March 2020, 12:12 am
Modified: Tue 3 March 2020, 2:32 am

I inspired by a puzzle video game called Witness ( Some of the puzzles combine with the environment like the shadow of the tree.


Therefore, I propose there is a room with one side of the wall tracking the shadow of people, meanwhile, the opposite wall reflecting the shape of the shadow into a digital prop or tool. The first idea is to place two people in that space and lets them fight with each other. The fighting capacity based on their equipment which comes from their shadow and their creativity. For example, if someone holds a book and an umbrella, the digital character can have an extra sword and shield.


However, after I considered how to enhance the playful and make the player broaden their mind, I figured out the second version of the game. It is no longer a fighting game, but more similar to an adventure game. The player needs to overcome the difficulties to accomplish the goal, for instance, if the bridge in the game is broken, the player can use shadow to create the shape of a bird to fly through it or use your arm’s shadow to create a new bridge. The shadow is functional, itself is like smashing every 3 dimension object into 2D. In terms of that, the player can also use the power of other people to build the impossible shape like tank, ladder or anything you can create. The example in the game witness:

Imgur Imgur

As the picture demonstrated, the shadow of the girl is actually composed of multiple branches, stones on the second floor of the building behind and a piece of fabric.

The final version of the idea

The system aims to enhance users' creativity by post different shapes of the shadow and let the participant feel relax by the digital game or music instruments.


#shadow #game #music instrument #relaxing and creativity

Week 1

Bowen Jiang - Mon 2 March 2020, 2:34 pm
Modified: Mon 2 March 2020, 3:10 pm

Contact 1

In the early contact, we discussed a lot about the self emotion toward this course. Apparently, everyone in the table was concerned about the stressful time and the heavy workload.


After that, we learned what is physical computing and find some examples of it. The one most impressed me is the paper plane (, which uses fascinating light interacting with the flying paper plane. During the example sharing part, I listed some questions that I want to explore in future studies.

  • Why physical computing is such important and how does it matter to our daily life?
  • What are the common features of the majority system has among physical computing?

Based on those examples, I found that it always draws more attention by using attractive visual elements, like different kinds of lights and pixel images, and specific sounds while people interact with the system.

Contact 2

In the first part of the contact, we were allocated into groups to discuss the challenges. My topic is about accessibility and universal Access. It becomes a serious challenge because of the situation getting worse with technology developing. Here is the paper recording below:


In the remaining part of the contact, tutors conducted a design approach to help us gather design ideas by using the cards and instruction. It confused me in the first place and it is a little bit hard for me to generate ideas through those abstract instructions. Yet getting into this method, you would find it can help you to broaden the mind for designing with different angles.


Innovation induction

I have already known we gonna build some cool stuff in this course, but after I entered the space, I still got shocked by those laser cutting and rows of 3D printers there. The instructor showed us the basic usage of the bandsaw and gave us an opportunity to take a try. Though the first try would be perfect, I still learned a lot from the practice like the special technic to cut a curve by using multiple divisions. You will never truly know the cons and pros of each machine unless you practice it. Therefore, it would be great that we can have more chances to try those facilities there.

#week 1 #reflection

Welcome to my journal page

Bowen Jiang - Thu 27 February 2020, 6:19 pm
Modified: Thu 27 February 2020, 6:41 pm


I am Bowen Jiang. It is my last semester for the MIxD study.

Look through the whole journal of the studying, all kinds of creative projects can always attract my interest, like game and website building. Even though I am not a good programmer, l like the process of exploring the new fields and creating something. Therefore, I am so excited that we can use laser cutting and professional workshops to build a tangible system in this course.

Talking about the expectation for this course, apparently, I want to learn more technics about all kinds of new tools in both workshops and UQ innovate. And one of the most desired outcomes I want to achieve in this course is making the final product as functional as it can. Hopefully, all the future teammates can be optimistic enough about the challenges we might meet and also don't mind the time-consuming process.

My concern for this course is about the time. The initial schedule seems like we have to decide the design concept in the first four weeks and start moving on the handwork immediately. Thereby, I definitely want to work with someone I familiar with, otherwise, there can be time wasted on allocating jobs and unnecessary divisions about the products.