Week 3 - World Cafe
Edward Zhang - Sat 21 March 2020, 4:58 pm
Modified: Sun 22 March 2020, 2:10 am
World Cafe
On the Tuesday of the third week, we had world coffee. We divided the topics we summarized last week into four or five different tables with a moderator. Each group discussed the corresponding topics around different tables, and the concepts of the corresponding topics were placed on each table, and the discussion was conducted by the moderator.

I feel this kind of form is very good, in understanding the ideas and concepts of each topic, I put forward my opinion and discuss with everyone. Such full concept communication enables me to have a comprehensive understanding of each topic, and when I am the host, I use my understanding to tell the story to others and deepen my understanding of the topic during this period.
In the subsequent voting process, each person has three votes, representing different degrees of tendencies and different times. I mainly leaned towards the body as controller, and then I voted for it.