Week - 4

Jay Sehmbey - Sun 12 April 2020, 6:09 pm

On the Tuesday of week 4, we had our group presentation on a topic which had to be novel, interactive, fun and physical. We had decided that we will be going with the topic of teaching people about global warming with an interactive device. I think live presentation in front of a classroom would have been a lot more fun because we were planning on having volunteers to come up and do a small demo of our concept. But, cause of restrictions we decided to make a video to explain our concept as demonstrating the concept online-live through a skit would have been very difficult.

We had divided into different tasks that everyone in the group will be researching about and preparing for the video. I particularly looked into explaining the problem space. I recorded my voice using my phone (which did not have the quality that I was expecting) and sent my part of the presentation with the recording to Kasey, who was editing the video together and had the rest of the voice over. Eddie had planned to do the skit for giving a demo of our concept with his housemates.

After our presentation, we received critique feedback from the class, all the teaching staff members on slack and via zoom.

After that, we talked to Alison and clay in a private zoom room on the things that we can improve and they helped with different ideas. The main aspects that we talked about were how to make the input more interactive and who will be our target audience.

Later in the week, we had a group meeting to discuss about the proposal-report. We also tried to discuss the various input methods that can be replaced in our original idea, but we failed to do so. Hence we decided to meet again on Sunday where everyone would bring in 2 ideas for 'ways of input' and bring in 2-3 research paper related to any aspect of our concept.

I had mostly researched global warming and sociology, and teaching children about global warming which I shared and summarised to our group. One of the input methods that I preferred that I thought of was having 2 garbage bins as the inputs. One for plastic and the other for biodegradable things only. Depending on how much each bin weighs, it will affect the globe accordingly. such as if the plastic garbage bin weighs more, then the earth will turn grey and brownish with sounds on cars honking, whereas if there is more biodegradable things or less plastic the globe turns green and blue with sounds of birds chirping and rivers flowing. But the only problem that we discussed with this way of input was that it was too binary, like before when we had received the feedback about our presentation.

Eddie came up with another Idea of input where we use a strip which can take our inputs via our finger. We will be able to glide across it to input.

But we still have to research more on the ways of inputting.

Later we also divided the sections of the individual report to make things easier.

week4 #presentation #brainstorming