Week 11
Jay Sehmbey - Sun 21 June 2020, 9:17 pm
Modified: Sun 21 June 2020, 9:33 pm
This week I got to see the feedback which people gave to my project by looking at my video, and reading my document. They had many good suggestions and ideas regarding my prototype. I already thought so many other possibilities once I read their comments.
So the biggest concern regarding my project was the competition among the children and how it can make them sort of cheat and make them throw the garbage in the wrong side of the bins (non-recyclable waste in the recyclable ones) in order to gain more advantage over other classrooms. To tackle this I had to come up with another method of taking their input. I decided I didn't want any competition among the children, and wanted this to be a collaborative effort to bring a change to the environment. This is because after all the main motive is to make the build a good habit, and due to this distracting competition, the product might loose its actual objective.
Some comments also suggested me to make a camera system which would detect if a garbage was recyclable or not. I think would a very complex system to make, and would probably require a big team to work towards it, but as my team was working on individual solutions to the problem space.
I thought I would talk to my tutors about this. They suggested a possibility of making a system which would detect the colour of the object, and later I can simulate it to show that it is detecting different items. I think this could work with the current system I have. But of course, I have to work with sound as an output as well before I can move any forward.
Ofcourse during this time, I just feel working towards a common solution would have been a lot less stressful as this is a 4 unit course. I think we as a team could have achieved a lot more by this point if we were to work together. But even after I had asked my teammates to work together earlier, they suggested that we worked on individual solution, which in my perspective wasn't the best way for this course. I think we as a team also lacked proper leadership. Leadership not in a sense where a leader has divide work or anything like that, but someone who would make sure that the team works together and come up with a solution to any problem no matter what. I would have taken this role during the starting, but as I am already doing 10 units this semester, I was already overflowing with work (and the stress which comes with it).
Anyhow the team still managed to keep contact from time to time.
You can also see the 'globe' i ended up making due to the lack of time.