Week 5 - Course Reflection
Shane Wei - Sun 5 April 2020, 10:45 pm
Contact & Workshop
In this week, we talked about the prograss of last week. We used Zoom and Wechat to take our group meeting. We worked smoothly by using these applications.
All of us reading the feedback and we thought that some of suggestions were really helpful. For example, we were considering that we could do both on the generating music and using music to lead the movement. So, in the last week meeting, we talked about how to continue our project. We still want to do our project together. And each of us will focus on the different part. As for me, I will design all the visual parts on this project. Such as design the frame of the device and the images which come from the projector.
About our plan for next week, the most important thing is writing the proposal report. We have already written the frame in google doc. We will finish that in this week. Also, we talked about the tools. Now, we just have an Arduino Kit. However, we still need a pressure sensor and a vibration sensor.All of our concerns are about the tools and materials. And how to really do this project.
In workshop session, we asked tutors about how to write the Fous part in our individual section report and when the Arduino practical session begin. They told us we should write what each of us need to do in this project specificly. Also, Arduino practical will start in next week. We really appreciate for their answering.
Individual Work
Firstly, I bought a projector for our project in online shop. Now, I'm thinking about whai kind of images should be designed for this project and how to turn them into flash.
Besides, I still working on our proposal report. In order to d.escribe our target users in more detail, I made another persona and a storyboard.