Week 6 - Journal
Shane Wei - Mon 13 April 2020, 7:03 pm
Work Done
Basicly, we're working on our proposal report this week. Due to the holiday, we also took the workshop session on Thursday.
At the beginning, we reported back for the teaching team. I read some articles about the relationship and music. One of the articles said that not only the music but also the rhythm and volume of music are related to the movement by changing the user's background music speed and loudness during the treadmill exercise.
Discovery Methods

We did an observation of the passengers in a train and wrote some insights on the Miro board. I found an interesting video in Youtube. There was an argument in a train of New York City. Basd on the insights, I found 3 methods were suitable for the observation.

Next Step
In the next step, we will do some user research about the using of fittness equipments in home. Also, we have to break down our project on Miro.
As for me, it's necessary for me to find some articles about the relationship bewteen images and exercise. Also, I will design the images for our project.