Week 7 - Journal
Shane Wei - Sun 26 April 2020, 5:50 pm
Team Progress
In this week, we took a meeting and explored the context of our project. Based on our discussion, we finished The context of use and The thing of our project on Miro board.
The Context of Use

The Thing

Individual Progress
I recieved the sensors from Lorna this week. Thanks her a lot. So, I started to build a simple physical parts of our project using the Arduino and the pressure sensor. The LED light is controlled by the presure sensor. When I touch the sensor, the LED light will be brighter. However, the problem is that the weight must be controlled. If the pressure is too heavy, the light can't be lit. And here is the code.

The plan for next week
I will continue to design the pattern and try to change the LED light to the images on the computer or a screen. However, I think I need some help.