Week 8
Jay Sehmbey - Sun 3 May 2020, 9:11 pm
Modified: Sun 3 May 2020, 9:31 pm
I started playing around with the Arduino Uno and found that for some reason it is not working. I am trying to make the example program which comes which the application called "blink" which when connected will make the 'L' LED blink every second. But apparently it is not working. I tried a few troubleshoots like changing the USB cable, tried different ports, tried reinstalling the Arduino app, with the latest update. And after reading a few threads online related to this, I found that there might be a problem with my Arduino bootloader. I also posted a question regarding this on slack. Hopefully I get this sorted ASAP, and I start working on the actual project.

I also made a few questions for the interview/questionnaire that we will be using in our team to ask questions to children. Eddie will be asking his sisters and cousins who are younger than him and I will do the same. The questions are related to recycling, global warming and our protect overall. We tried to simplify the questions so that our younger audience will be able to answer the questions.