Week 8 Journal

Zihan Mo - Sat 2 May 2020, 2:53 pm
Modified: Sat 2 May 2020, 2:53 pm

This week I was working on different features of my project using Arduino. I have built the multiple buttons input last week that let users count the number by inserting the stick.


To make the output, I want the kids to hold the toy bear's hand, so I tried to use the pressure sensor to detect users' motion.


In order to make the prototype more interactive, I decided to add audio output rather than display the instructions and questions on the screen. I came to the Jaycar and bought a mini speaker and I tried to encode my audio file an get the code that can be used in Arduino IDE. However, auditory feedback is not very clear.


Next week I will work on combining these features together on the same board and make a box to contain the whole circuit which makes the prototype more playable.