Week three

Tiantian Bao - Sun 15 March 2020, 5:03 pm

For contact this week, we conducted the world café. Brainstorm with different themes I chose emotional totems, Change through discomfort, Music things. I got to the second topic and had a meeting with my team members. We came up with some reasons for discomfort. One is physically and one is psychological. How people feel physically uncomfortable, such as changing the ambient temperature or making noise. How to make people feel uncomfortable is to make them feel embarrassed or anxious. For example, what I'm thinking about is that the computer camera turns on when you're not looking and takes pictures that don't look so good and automatically uploads them to social networks. But our discussion is that these discomforts should be kept within the limits of what people can tolerate and that it is acceptable for people to feel some discomfort or to feel anxious or embarrassed for a while.