Week2 Presentation
Tianyi Liu - Tue 3 March 2020, 3:03 am

Exercise/Fitness /Music /Synesthesia
Inspired by a video (I forget the original resources) which transcript the Cosmos Microwave Background (CMB) to a sound clip. It sounds deep and mysterious. Every digital signal or waveform could be transcript into sound waves. This process transforms these things that we couldn’t sense into sounds we could hear. It’s a total new way to perceive our living world.
How it works:
The pressure transducer is an object that could sense the pressure on a surface and transfer it into digital signals. These digital signals could be transcript into sound waves through some algorithm, and output as relaxing
Why this is interesting:
Ring fit Adventure, a very successful game in the beginning of 2020
The most important idea I got from this product is that when people doing exercises, positive feedback could provide them strong motivation to persist.
Target User
Fitness lovers, Childs (they love anything that could provide feedback), any people who are interested.
Context of use
This could alternate or implemented with other fitness instruments in the outdoors. User could do exercises on the implementation after their works or studies.