Hao Yan - Sun 5 April 2020, 11:24 pm
Modified: Fri 12 June 2020, 2:15 pm
We are busy writing our project proposal. In writing a proposal, there is a lot of work to be done. In the Presentation, which ended last week, we received a lot of feedback. It can be seen that many people are interested in our project and made some suggestions. The first thing we need to do is to filter these feedbacks. We need to find useful (and within our ability) feedback. Then you need to search for related content and determine the difficulty. Although this course does not require us to make all the plans in the proposal, but I still hope we can make a complete one, and will not affect our user experience because of any technical problems.
Team task
The Team Domain (Concept/Context/Problem Space): Cindy
Response to Feedback:Yanhao
Related Work: Shawn
Audience & Intended Experience: Bonnie
Relevance to Theme: Cindy
For Individual task
My current work to think about some of the hardware or sensors that our project needs. And we have tried to sum up some of the feedback we got from last week's presentation through an afternoon discussion. The feedback is roughly divided into 4 categories. In the proposal to be completed next, we will further analyze these four types of feedback and find out those suggestions that can improve our project based on our capabilities.!