Project Ideas & Inspirations
Lachlan McIntyre - Mon 2 March 2020, 11:28 pm
Modified: Mon 2 March 2020, 11:30 pm
OSCAR is a three part bin that tracks the amount and kind of waste produced by each person in a household. Giving people a way to see how much they throw away can help highlight unnecessary waste and make them think about finding a more sustainable alternative to things they buy.
How it works
OSCAR can be setup to have profiles for everyone who lives in a household. A display on the front of OSCAR shows the current amount of waste produced by each person from the start of the week. At the end of the week when the bin needs to be emptied, OSCAR will decide who must empty it based on the amount of waste produced that week. When someone uses OSCAR the items they have thrown away will be checked by OSCAR to see if they have placed it in the correct bin. If the wrong bin has been used, OSCAR will make a horrendous retching sound and throw the waste back out of the bin.
I came up with the initial idea for OSCAR during the brainstorming session with the playing cards, which gave me the sentence ‘Design to train in a kitchen using sound with the quality playfully’, the idea was then further developed within the group at my table. The other inspiration for OSCAR was Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street.
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