Week 3
John Jiang - Fri 13 March 2020, 2:12 pm
Modified: Fri 13 March 2020, 2:12 pm
World Cafe
In week 3, we did the world cafe activity. I have done this before in the course of deco7180. For me personally, this activity has helped me a lot. By providing a lot of different topics, it leads me to think about some good ideas. At the same time, during the group discussion, everyone brainstorming together is very helpful to come up with novel ideas.

Meet Team Numbers
I also meet my team numbers in week 3, which is very excited. Our team members are very good, some are good at design, sometimes good at drawing, some are good at programming. I am very confident in our team, I think we can complete our project well. Because we have members who are good at different fields.
The theme chosen by our group is change through discomfort. In the following group discussions, we discussed this topic in depth, and also came up with many interesting ideas, such as annoying clock and magic mirror.
Big Problems
One of our team numbers dropped this course. However, it is fine for me, but i do not know if other team numbers think so.