Entries - Tag = ar

Final Thoughts

Ryan O'Shea - Mon 22 June 2020, 9:56 am

Review of Exhibition

After the exhibition I was quite relieved to be done with the physical aspect of this course as it had been a lot of work and effort to get to that point. Doing this course online through this pandemic was quite the experience but also quite fun to build and design a novel concept and take it to fruition. With all the building out of the way and only the Portfolio and Critical Reflection to go I am beginning to look back on the work done in the semester fondly and can see the things I learnt range from techniques and brainstorming to materials I will and won't use again.

The course was both useful and enjoyable and showed new ways of doing things I have done many times before in my degree, working in teams to brainstorm but then create your own concept only to come back into teams to work on the things that other people presented that you found most enjoyable was a new creation process that worked. While half my team left it was still achievable to create the product and concept between the two of us even with different forms as we both wanted to work on the 'Sassy Tech' which looked so fun to me from the start. With more time and effort i'm sure we could come up with a more silly and novel concept which gave Spud realistic hands to move or some other monstrosity, but with the allocated time I am happy with the final results and what I learned, despite the outcome of my final design.


With the failed product at the end it was more useful that it didn't work than if it did, giving an explanation of what I wanted to do and what actually was in front of me was useful to myself in seeing what my expectations were with this concept and I can see better where I went wrong and got lots of good feedback in those areas too. Despite the low number of visitors in the exhibition due to the online nature, those who we did talk to offered good insights from previous years or from other projects and showed me new ways I could have done what I attempted and offered great insights that I didn't think of before. Overall it was a great learning experience for building, testing and iteration that I think will be useful as I leave university and head into the job world.

- Cheers for the great semester Ben, Lorna, Steven, Clay and Alison :)

reflection summary thanks!


Sulaiman Ma - Sun 26 April 2020, 9:55 pm
Modified: Sat 13 June 2020, 4:59 pm

Design Process

At this phase, I made some changes to the game setting according to the survey, which let users rate for two types of game setting that are high-freedom game setting and task-based game setting. The data shows task-based game setting is preferable. The data is shown below.

imgur imgur


In the session, everybody shares the current progress, after we doing that, I got some useful tips. Lorna suggested me to check the fiducial marker. Since I have some technical problems to read the simple code from the blocks, I did not come up with a good solution to solve that. After checking the fiducial marker, I found that it is a graph with a unique ID that can be recognized by the camera. Additionally, it is can be used in Unity plus vuforia. But, the problem is the robot only can be coded by python, so it is hard to connect use the Unity to generate some signal in a Python code. So, I was thinking that how about achieving all this on Python, it will be much easier to control the robot in the same language environment. Then, I found a tutorial about the Aruco marker with Python.
But it is a pity that you can not put some content in the fiducial marker, so I was searching for some label that can contain some word content, I found the QR code. And to recognize the QR code from the computer camera by using Python, I found a useful tutorial, it is suggested to use the open CV to achieve the goal.


This week we had two meetings with Bowen since we shared the same concept. In the first meeting, we discussed the issues which require more research.


And in the second meeting, we discussed how to do the users' research and details about the game mode and physical input.



Up to now, we already have some clean plan for our project, but we found since the progress is a little behind, so we need to catch in the following weeks. Besides, we need to do more creative learning research to make our game more fun.

#coding learning#creative learning

Week 6

Sulaiman Ma - Thu 16 April 2020, 10:20 pm
Modified: Sat 13 June 2020, 5:02 pm

Contact session:

In the contact session, we did some activities. And me and teammates we also did a mind map of our concept. As shown below, it contains function, form, the context of use, design principle, rationale. After adding all the possibilities, all of us gain many inspirations from that, and it can give us alternatives in the following design process.


Design process:

At this phase, for physical input, we decided to use blocks and jigsaws as alternatives after brainstorming with Bowen. Then, we did a survey to decide which one is better. According to the feedback from the survey, it shows that the block performs better because users think it is more dimensional and easier to reorganize. The data is shown below:

imgur imgur

At the meantime, for what code put on the block, I did some research, and I found that pseudocode is a good choice for that, which is a combination of simplified code and real language, since it is much clearer for the novice to understand compared to the real code language.


This week, I had two meetings, the first one is a meeting of four of us, we discussed our problem space coding teaching, and we shared our different concepts. Liony plans to use AR to teach users coding, and she planned to use the screen imitating the vision of users to do the prototype. Owen planned to use do a coding quiz game by using Arduino giving some feedback to users. And I and Bowen planned to use a physical input robot to teach people coding. Even we have different concepts, we still gain benefits from sharing the design process, technology and understanding of problem space.

Another meeting is between me and Bowen, we dicussed the tasks assignments of the current concept, and I took the responsibility of physical input, and he took charge of the robot programming. We still confused about how to use the camera to detect the simple code on the blocks, and how to translate it into Phython language and send signal to the robot.


As I took charge of the physical input part, so I checked some examples of existing applications, some are interesting and inspiring.

An interesting one is Hands on Coding:

The coding block is a smart way to teach users coding in a touchable method. It could be one choice for my physical input.


Besides, I focused on the technology that can help the camera of computers identify the code on the block. I am thinking of using a barcode to achieve this function. But it seems very hard. I read several articles about how to use python to recognize the barcode with the computer camera. But some code seems too difficult for me to understand, and also it can only recognize the code of one block, but the requirement is to recognize the code of different blocks together, so it still does not meet my requirements. In the future, I will try to find alternative ways to solve this problem


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "HouZhipeng"

__blog__ = "https://blog.csdn.net/Zhipeng_Hou"

import os

import qrcode

from PIL import Image

from pyzbar import pyzbar

def make_qr_code_easy(content, save_path=None):


    Generate QR Code by default

    :param content: The content encoded in QR Codeparams

    :param save_path: The path where the generated QR Code image will be saved in.

                      If the path is not given the image will be opened by default.


    img = qrcode.make(data=content)

    if save_path:




def make_qr_code(content, save_path=None):


    Generate QR Code by given params

    :param content: The content encoded in QR Code

    :param save_path: The path where the generated QR Code image will be saved in.

                      If the path is not given the image will be opened by default.


    qr_code_maker = qrcode.QRCode(version=2,







    img = qr_code_maker.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white")

    if save_path:




def make_qr_code_with_icon(content, icon_path, save_path=None):


    Generate QR Code with an icon in the center

    :param content: The content encoded in QR Code

    :param icon_path: The path of icon image

    :param save_path: The path where the generated QR Code image will be saved in.

                      If the path is not given the image will be opened by default.

    :exception FileExistsError: If the given icon_path is not exist.

                                This error will be raised.



    if not os.path.exists(icon_path):

        raise FileExistsError(icon_path)

    # First, generate an usual QR Code image

    qr_code_maker = qrcode.QRCode(version=4,







    qr_code_img = qr_code_maker.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white").convert('RGBA')

    # Second, load icon image and resize it

    icon_img = Image.open(icon_path)

    code_width, code_height = qr_code_img.size

    icon_img = icon_img.resize((code_width // 4, code_height // 4), Image.ANTIALIAS)

    # Last, add the icon to original QR Code

    qr_code_img.paste(icon_img, (code_width * 3 // 8, code_width * 3 // 8))

    if save_path:




def decode_qr_code(code_img_path):


    Decode the given QR Code image, and return the content

    :param code_img_path: The path of QR Code image.

    :exception FileExistsError: If the given code_img_path is not exist.

                                This error will be raised.

    :return: The list of decoded objects


    if not os.path.exists(code_img_path):

        raise FileExistsError(code_img_path)

    # Here, set only recognize QR Code and ignore other type of code

    return pyzbar.decode(Image.open(code_img_path), symbols=[pyzbar.ZBarSymbol.QRCODE])

if __name__ == "__main__":

    make_qr_code_easy("make_qr_code_easy", "qrcode.png")

    results = decode_qr_code("qrcode.png")

    if len(results):



        print("Can not recognize.")

    make_qr_code("make_qr_code", "qrcode.png")

    results = decode_qr_code("qrcode.png")

    if len(results):



        print("Can not recognize.")

    make_qr_code_with_icon("https://blog.csdn.net/Zhipeng_Hou", "icon.jpg", "qrcode.png")

    results = decode_qr_code("qrcode.png")

    if len(results):



        print("Can not recognize.")


(1条消息)Python3 生成和识别二维码PythonHouZhipeng 的专栏-CSDN博客. (n.d.). Retrieved 16 April 2020, from https://blog.csdn.net/Zhipeng_Hou/article/details/83381133

Coding Blocks | Hands on Coding. (n.d.). Handsoncoding. Retrieved 16 April 2020, from https://www.handsoncoding.org

Python生成+识别二维码Pythonqq37504771的博客-CSDN博客. (n.d.). Retrieved 16 April 2020, from https://blog.csdn.net/qq37504771/article/details/80321259

coding learning#physical coding input

Week 5 & 6

Jay Sehmbey - Sun 12 April 2020, 6:34 pm

Week 5

I had a rough week 5 because my accommodation kicked everyone out due to rising cases in COVID-19 in Queensland and for safety because of which I couldn't attend either the Tuesday's session or the Friday's session. I had informed my team about this and was trying to keep my communications as quick as possible. My team had communicated with me and had decided that we will be proceeding with the Option-2 for our team concept and individual prototype building part.

Week 6

This week, I had to finish the team part and the individual part of our proposal report. We had decided that I will be doing the problem space/concept part of the report. I had started researching more about global warming and its cause. I was trying to think about what are the different things that we can use or we can inform children about global warming. I found out stuff such as plastic contributes to greenhouse gas emissions at every stage of its lifecycle, from its production to its refining and the way it is disposed of. Meaning that it's not only bad for the ocean and environment, it also contributes to global warming.

After the team part, I worked on the individual part of the report. I read all the feedback again. Kasey had copied all the feedback and put it on our google drive which made things a lot easier.

As we hadn't finalised any input method, my plan for the break is to come up with a system of input, and output response. A system which should be interactive and fun for children. Although it is easier to come up with the output method from the globe of our concept, I will look into different sensors that can be used as well.

week6 proposal-report brainstorming research

Reflection (Week 6)

Shao Tan - Sun 12 April 2020, 4:58 pm


In the studio session we learned about how to conduct different types of fieldwork during a pandemic and how to use a Miro board.

Miro Board

This is what my team mate and I came up with. Additional information about our projects will be added in after we determine the details of our form.



My Project - Spud

Spud is a small robot that sits on the user's shoulder and uses its body language and facial expressions to show its sassy personality.

User Testing Ideas

From the background research I have done for the proposal, I got an idea of getting participants to show what body language they think is suitable for an emotion. Participants will be given a figurine/teddy bear to move its limbs to create body postures and paper cut outs of eyebrows to position it on its face to create different facial expressions.To find the best method of a shock factor, different methods of shocking participants will be used. For example, the Jack-in-the-box with springs, glowing red, showing teeth, etc.

All of these testing will be done with my housemates during the mid semester break so I can start building Spud as soon as possible.

week6 #reflection #miroboard #usertesting

[Week 5 - Post 1] - Idea refinement

Sigurd Soerensen - Mon 6 April 2020, 5:43 pm

Tuesday - Contact

On Tuesday we started off with a 'stand-up' where each person in all teams was to explain what the team and they themselves had done so far in the course. Although interesting to listen to what the other teams are doing there was a lot of overlap and repetition from many team members. So far in the process, most of what we have done is as a team and therefore there is little extra to tell when asking a second team member. I believe we would hear more unique aspects moving forwards as we are moving into the individual parts of the course. However, I'm also concerned about the amount of time this takes up and if it's worth the time as I didn't feel like I learned anything from this exercise.

After the stand-up, we jumped into team chats to work on our concept. In this meeting, we talked about starting to write the report and work out how we could split the concept between ourselves. We decided that we wanted to split prototypes based on outputs and inputs. Given that Thomas and I live in the same house we decided that we could take one input and one output so that we are able to test if everything works as it is supposed to locally before testing remote. Moreover, Tuva was to prototype automatic input and Marie were to prototype an output. However, at this point, it was still unclear what the individual prototypes should be.

At this point, Ben came in to give us some feedback on our concept. He brought up some good points on how manual input could be an extra barrier of entry. We also discussed how we should consider the physical aspect of the concept such as what the balls are doing and how they could be interacted with. Ben also gave us some technical suggestions to look into such as ESP32s or ESP8266s for the connectivity and Galvanic Skin Response(GSR) as a sensor in case we wanted to measure emotions as users were holding the ball in their hands. Finally, we asked for some tips and tricks too for user interviews.

After our feedback from Ben, we went on to create an interview protocol to get some early information on how people understand emotions, how they display them as well as if and when they are comfortable sharing emotions. We decided to write some open-ended questions to begin the interview with, continue with a task to allow users to show us how they think and then end with some more directed questions.

week5 idearefinement

Reflection (Week 5)

Shao Tan - Sun 5 April 2020, 10:43 pm
Modified: Sat 20 June 2020, 5:47 am


In the meeting after the studio, my team mate and I decided that we are going to work on the project individually and focus on separate concepts. He is going to continue work on hand gestures and I will work on facial expressions and body language. We talked about how these separate concepts would work together and how it would still relate to the domain and problem space.

My Concept

For body language, I researched on different cartoon characters that are very expressive. I noticed a few recurring themes with these characters: Eyebrows, ears/antenna, body posture and glow/fire.

imgur imgur imgur imgur

I also found a video that shows the eyebrows on a robot

With the feedback from the critiques and these cartoon characters as inspiration, I drew a few sketches for my concept.



In this workshop, we talked to the tutors about our concept. I showed my sketches and expressed that I was worried that my concept would be too cute to make people maintain a distance. However, they said it can be cute and scary at the same time and gave suggestions on how to do that. For example, scaring people when they least expect it or making the form be something that people normally avoid such as spiders.


  • Choose a design from my sketches (Do testing to get feedback and opinions)
  • Decide on a scare/shock tactic when people get too close. Ideas:
  • Look at professional papers on the topic to do some background research.
  • Complete proposal

reflection #week5 #bodylanguage #cartooncharacters #cuteandscary


Sulaiman Ma - Sun 5 April 2020, 9:54 pm
Modified: Sat 13 June 2020, 5:06 pm


In the online session, we shared what we have done so far with our classmates. And after hearing others' achievements, I felt that our team need to catch up on the domain research part since we only did some research for coding, but for the domain Creative Learning, we have not done much research.


After the session, I and my team have discussed the coming assessment proposal. We shared the screen and try to understand what we should do in each part.

Everything went well, but our idea about the concept has been a little separated. One team member wants to make an AR coding system by using the projected and computer and use the robot only as feedback for users. Others want to teach the people to code by programming the robot. Therefore, we separated into two teams focus on different concepts, but the good thing is we all focus on the domain of creative learning and coding learning, so we still can share the resources.


This week, I focused on the research of my domain and coding learning area. I have done some research on creative learning principles, and the situated model of creative learning is inspiring to me:

  1. Immersion in the topic of interest, in traditions and in the subject matter;
  2. Experimentation and inquiry learning;
  3. Resistance from the material of interest [1].

For coding learning, from the research, the example is inspiring to me:

imgur [2]

As you can see, the system display three screens, which are helpful for feeding the gap between simple language and real coding language. And the form of block is also fascinating for users, and also helpful for people's understanding of the structure of the coding language. So I am also considering using the block to help users organize the code, especially for those who have not learned to code before.


I did some interviews about the users' intended experience about a coding game, the results shown below:



[1]L. Tanggaard, ‘A Situated Model of Creative Learning’, European Educational Research Journal, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 107–116, Feb. 2014, doi: 10.2304/eerj.2014.13.1.107.

[2]M. Khamphroo, N. Kwankeo, K. Kaemarungsi, and K. Fukawa, ‘MicroPython-based educational mobile robot for computer coding learning’, in 2017 8th International Conference of Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems (IC-ICTES), Chonburi, Thailand, May 2017, pp. 1–6, doi: 10.1109/ICTEmSys.2017.7958781.

research#coding learning#creative learning

[Week 4 - Post 2] - Pivot and idea refinement

Sigurd Soerensen - Tue 31 March 2020, 3:29 pm
Modified: Tue 31 March 2020, 3:31 pm

In our team meeting, Friday of week four, we decided to pick up where we left off earlier in the week, by focusing on the rest of the feedback we received after our presentation. Moreover, we aimed to refine our concept idea further and come up with solutions to how we could split our project among our four team members.


We summarised and condensed the feedback we had received to make it more actionable and easier to take into consideration when moving on with our project. There were a lot of interesting ideas to consider from what we received, such as how users themselves could input a mixture of emotions of their making, combined from for example clay or colours. Handing over control of the input parameters would allow for a more exciting approach which could potentially be more reflective of how complex emotions are. Moreover, it might feel better for users to have complete control over combining and creating a representation of their feelings at that given time. Another suggestion was to move to a household to ensure everyday use. Our original concept did lack a specific everyday use-case, which is why we especially took this suggestion to heart and which formed the basis of our pivot. A third suggestion was to have more complexity, as in increasing the number of emotions. This leads me to believe that either people weren't listening or that we were unable to get our message across as our intention was always to reach for such depth, but that our prototype would have to have certain limitations, which is why we talked about various ways of measuring the emotional intensity and which emotion users would pick. Another suggestion was to attain data that would tell us the connection between colour and emotions, which we also did mention in our pitch that we aimed to figure out in our initial user research. Others suggested making the installation a safe space where users would feel safe sharing their emotions, which is a important suggestion and one we will take into consideration moving forward. Some people suggested more collaborative interaction between people which we also have taken to heart in our pivot that I will talk of later in this post. Another suggestion was to explore shape and form together and how this could elevate a sense of certain emotions. Shape and form is something we are looking into that we haven't landed on as of yet, but we would very much like to explore how senses can be combined to emphasise emotions. The last types of suggestion were to have other types of emotional input such as heart rate, heat, and so on. Automatic inputs are something we are taking into consideration moving forward with our concept.

Pivot and Refinement

The rest of our meeting revolved around how we could pivot our project to be more of an everyday concept. We started talking about what type of experience we would like people to leave with and came up with four possible paths to pursue; individual and collective awareness, emotional release, spark discussion and improved communication skills. Which opted to figure out which ones to focus on specifically through user research. With that said, we did agree on the purpose of our concept to revolve around collective awareness plus a display of feelings outwards. This comes as a response to our feedback where people suggested more collective interactions, in addition to how we as humans share emotions daily would be a nice foundation to build upon in terms of making the concept more of everyday activity. As for target audience, we were all intrigued by exploring our concept in a multi-person household focused on student accommodation, given that isolation in COVID-19 times will likely have a significant impact on people living together. Towards the end of our meeting, we had gone through various types of inputs and outputs and how they could be applied to a household and landed on a vague concept that we wanted to pursue the next week. This concept was a cylinder with balls inside of it, where each ball correlates to each person in that household which shows that individuals emotions throughout the day. This came from some requirements we set for ourselves, that the concept should be easy to display and easy to access. We played around with input and output methods for the concept, but in the end, we did not land on one specific input or output. This will have to come during our next meeting.

week4 teammeeting pivot idearefinement

Week 5 - Reflection

Jason Yang - Sun 29 March 2020, 11:18 pm
Modified: Sun 29 March 2020, 11:18 pm

Work Done This Week

This week we presented our pitch to the class this week. Furthermore, we also provided feedback to all who presented. This was a very valuable task to further support our fellow peers to ensure that everyone was provided detail feedback which will ultimately help improve the overall quality of their concept.

This week also saw the commencement of the 'virtual classes' whereby studio session was conducted via Zoom. It was not all smooth sailing due to a few technical difficulties to ensure stable connection during the class video call.

Individual Preparation Work

Individual Research

Colour Theory

Colour theory is a term used to describe the collection of rules and guidelines regarding the use of colour in art and design, as developed since their early days. Colour theory informs the design of colour schemes, aiming at aesthetic appeal and the effective communication of a design message on both the visual level and the psychological level.

Modern colour theory is heavily based on Isaac Newton’s colour wheel, which displays three categories of colours: primary colours (red, blue, yellow), secondary colours (created by mixing two primary colours), and intermediate or tertiary ones (created by mixing primary and secondary colours). Colours can be combined to form one of the five main colour schemes that allow designers to achieve harmony in their designs. These are:

Tetradic using two sets of complementary pairs

Colour temperature is another vital consideration in design—by distinguishing between warm, cool, and neutral colours, we apparently have the power to evoke emotional responses in people. Warm colours are those with shades of yellow and red; cool colours have a blue, green, or purple tint; neutral colours include brown, grey, black, and white. While these groupings hold true in a general sense, emotional responses to colours can also be heavily affected by gender, experiences, cultural associations, and other personal factors. Consequently, researching the traits and expectations of a target audience is vital for not only fine-tuning the positive impact of colour used in design but also preventing design failure.

Common Feedback and Further Works

After presenting our pitch, common feedback received from the academic staff and fellow peers was to further investigate and research the link between music and colour theory.

Hence, as a result, I found the following:

There have been many studies and academic research papers which have indicated the relationship between the use of music and colour theory as a behaviour modifier. I have found many papers which have indicated that healing has been linked to the use of the arts, in particular, music and colour because of their innate ability to bring about mental, emotional and physical calmness. Although much has been written on the use of colour and music as relaxants specifically within a nursing/medical context, there appears to be little information available as to why music and colour have this calming effect. This article examines music and colour as relaxants by briefly describing the neurological and physical mechanisms that bring about the effect of relaxation. This brief exploration is placed within the context of learning disability care. The aim is to provide ideas for a more peaceful and relaxing environment for an adult with learning disabilities who also has autism and exhibits severe challenging behaviour. The results of a small case study and implications for other areas of nursing are discussed.


  • https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/abs/10.12968/bjon.1999.8.7.6649?casatoken=8TqfItljGSYAAAAA%3AWB63lDHwoeOyCiGyrEpymzYwSQLDNBBtcSOgfYgVTl2xxx8t5OBjrhMzlVufDlyu5a18LhKtkAYM7s&
  • https://cs.nyu.edu/courses/fall02/V22.0380-001/color_theory.htm
  • https://generalassemb.ly/blog/color-theory-emotional-impact-right-colors-design/
  • https://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Rb59CAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=colour+theory+research+paper&ots=GToS0mLdeU&sig=vNX9ww_YOgCcWJOBToiPc1lYGrQ#v=onepage&q=colour%20theory%20research%20paper&f=false
  • https://www.jstor.org/stable/751049?casatoken=U7zUQjjiQ0cAAAAA:EzJTTZCekBY7ksgZUNXDrR1pSfzKjc2K40IV0xzLviC0U9aKyR4b3KqRD9TwwnXHYC2GwjPjTcT3dstv82rBypkutpx0YvhWEZZ5gRCoPTHLn91cB9pLg&seq=1#metadatainfotab_contents
  • https://sp.lyellcollection.org/content/232/1/49.short?casatoken=2Pi4xqw1EL4AAAAA:j4w6CE6Y8-klFPVYsOqAQjdoowj3VrTMYix5r4TXVbPn0rn9zWrhUeQnc8TBSqVXLud0GQ5h1SwmWDD

week5 #individual #preparation #work #team #feedback

Week 4 - Journal

Nick Huang - Sun 29 March 2020, 7:20 pm
Modified: Fri 15 May 2020, 5:05 pm

Online pitch and critique on others’ concepts:

During this weeks’ contacts sessions, we conducted the online pitch activities via Zoom and gave and received feedback via Slack. Although we have switched to the online alternatives, our online presentations have gone well and smoothly. By watching other groups' presentations, we were provided the chance to get a better understanding their initial ideas and concepts. For two days contacts, some novel and engaging ideas were presented! We also gave our critiques to other team’s concepts by trying to give our constructive and specific suggestions.

Critiques on our concept:

After we presented our idea through the pre-recorded video, the teaching team and our peers have given us a lot of valuable and actionable feedback, which was very useful for us to refine our concept. After received feedback from Slack thread, we also organised our team’s zoom meeting to invite Lorna, tutors and our peers to discuss around our concept, so as to provide our team with deeper clarification on what we have and haven’t done well for the initial concept and what can the team concept be further refined. Through this session and these online platforms, and thanks for all the teaching staff and our peers, we gathered a lot of feedback, and detailed summary will be listed below.

Feedback summary:

Some positive ones:

  1. Using human’s body as controller makes interactions engaging and intuitive.
  2. Making the interaction process more acceptable and operational.
  3. Providing users with freedom of control and movement.
  4. Enhancing people’s interests in playing games, especially for those who hate using some physical tokens as controllers.

Some actionable and constructive ones:

  1. Avoiding making users feel fatigued.
  2. Going beyond the screen-based output.
  3. Translating into a non-game space will be more worth exploring.
  4. Exploring other parts of body as the controller.
  5. Considering combining that will educational content.
  6. Combining different gestures to everyday objects and day-to-day life.
  7. Reducing users’ cognitive and memory loads when learn how to interact.
  8. Giving users freedom to select specific body parts to control specific interactions.
  9. Considering physical differences among different user groups.
  10. Exploring to apply same tech and interactions into different contexts.

All the feedback from teaching staffs and our peers have provided our team a clearer way to explore our domain and the problem space. Following the given feedbacks, our team decided to do some desk research around existing solutions and then conducted user research to get to know more about our target users.

Some existing/similar technology in this field we can check out:

  1. Leap motion
  2. Nintendo Wii
  3. Switch Gyro
  4. Xbox Kinect
  5. PlayStation Move
  6. PlayStation Eyetoy
  7. Microsoft Adaptive controller (also gather some ideas around ‘disability support’)

Team progress

In this weekend, our team had 2 meetings to discuss around the feedback we have received and how can we refine our concept as the response to these valuable feedbacks. Based on the feedback we received, we had further discussion about specifying our team’s problem space. After that, we decided to move our focus from only ‘hand gestures’ to different parts of our bodies; to go beyond only focusing on game space; to put our concept into a more day-to-day environment; to explore how to apply this technology into various contexts, to reduce the reliance of system on the screen, etc.

As for our team’s future plan, we suppose to first conduct more research around the related work in our chosen domain, and then go deeper around our team’s domain and individual focus by explore the different solutions under the umbrella of team’s domain and problem space. We also break the team section of the proposal report into different small parts and assigned them to each team member.

Individual progress

Since our team have received a lot of valuable feedback, I spent a lot of time on going through each of them in detail, and discussing them with my team, so as to decide how to elevate our team’s concept to the next level. I organised these valuable feedbacks and summarised them to some implications that we can draw on and take into consideration further.

Apart from that, I also done some research around the existing and similar solutions in our theme. By doing that, I can get a better understanding of our chosen domain, and some ideas about how to make our concept more unique.

leap motion device nintendo wii gyro game console playstation move


img 1. retrieved from https://www.ultraleap.com/tracking/

img 2. retrieved from https://techotv.com/nintendo-wii-u-games-price-release-date-specs-reviews/

img 3. retrieved from https://www.htxt.co.za/2019/10/30/risk-of-rain-2-adds-gyro-aiming-on-switch-plus-other-console-updates/

img 4. retrieved from https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lifewire.com%2Fthmb%2FCvta8BuIe9jpARgjXxjbmJDcUtk%3D%2F1024x685%2


  1. Compressing the image file size for better display in journal post.
  2. Adding the alt text description of each image

#critique # online research # refined concept # feedback

Week 3 - Group Formation (Bee Bear Lions)

Liony Lumombo - Sun 15 March 2020, 10:15 pm

This week is the group formation week for the project to be worked on until the end of this semester. The group is determined by Lorna and other tutors based on several selections. The first selection is to fill in the form provided. The exciting thing I found there was a question about 'Spiritual Animal'. I don't think I will find someone who chose the same animal as I want. But I saw him for sure in my group.

The next activity for group formation is to do a World Café on Tuesday. I did this activity in the Computing Studio 1 last semester. The problem that often arises first is the loss of hosts from several tables. In this course, in the rounds before the break, everything was safe. But after returning from break time, some hosts disappeared. Several tables I visited, one table did not have a host, so everyone on the table had to read the notes on the paper on the table. In general, this activity helped me to get new inspiration. Each person must have a different idea that will not be heard if not in the same table with them.

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After World Café is finished, we gave three votes to the theme we like. The day before this activity, I was interested in Creative Learning. But I don't know what I want for the second and third choices. After World Café, I decided to choose Altered Landscape and Change Through Reward as other options. In my opinion, all these choices can be used as one project in common.

The next day is the announcement of the specified list group. Before that, we made a video call with Bash Isai, UQ alumni. The exciting thing that I got at the talk was to keep thinking positive—and not easily entangled in one place. If the workplace that we go to does not provide what we need, you should leave the area. Each person has their unique characteristics.


After Bash is finished, the group list is announced. I got a group with Bowen Jiang, Wentai Ouyang, and Sulaiman Ma. It was a great relief because we had all been on the same team. Hopefully, this team can work together very well!

The theme we get is Creative Learning. To determine the project idea that we will work on, we ask the question "what do you want to teach" to each group member. Programming, Music, Electronic, and even cooking appear as our consideration.

On Friday, we had our first meeting. Before this activity, we looked for some inspiration. I looked at ideas on Kickstarter. There I found chess in physical form. The opponent's chess piece can move on its own. I think this is good to be combined with learning programming with the concept of fighting. And some other ideas that I found based on mobile games that I have ever played.


The results of the first meeting, we decided to teach programming with the concept of the racing game using characters shaped like chess pieces. The inspirations are "Square Off Neo & SWAP" and "7 Billion Humans". To make it enjoyable, we added challenges like a maze, but simpler ones like trees, houses, or other objects placed on the same board. And even at this meeting, we found the name of our group, namely BEE BEAR LIONS, based on the spiritual animals we chose.

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Week 3 - Own Research (Brain Synchronization)

Sean Lim - Sun 15 March 2020, 7:10 pm
Modified: Tue 17 March 2020, 1:21 pm

Interesting Fact About the Brain

When we take on a certain task, one side of the brain will take on the task even if it’s not specialized for the task, and our brain will not switch to the other side of the brain, even if the task is better suited. It will just take the task and run with it. Our brain defaults to what it’s used to and the parts that don’t get to used atrophy.

Left Hemisphere Thinking: Practical, mathematical, analytical, scientific

Right Hemisphere Thinking: Creative, focus, intuitive

It appears to be common knowledge that each side of the brain have its own function. In reality, both sides of the brain handle both analytic and creative elements

Benefits of Whole-Brain Dominance

Shifting in hemisphere dominance (left-right brain dominance to whole-brain dominance) are likely to enhance mind-body integration and overall improvements in physical and emotional health. It is believed that during moments of whole brain synchrony, the reduction of cognitive anxiety is experience.

Brain Coherence creates homeostasis in our central nervous system and allows for more flexibility in thinking. You are able to draw upon the strength of your brain in both the analytical and creative sense, allowance for super learning and more energy.


Ways to Synchronize the Brain(I think that is helpful for our assignment)

1) Exercise & Movements: Using both sides of your body help to strengthen both sides of the brain improving coordination. (Might be useful for incorporating with motor skills)

2) Switching Up Your Routine: Variation in movement activates both sides of your brain. (Might be useful for incorporating with motor skills)

3) Binaural Beats & Hemi Sync Technology: Delivering sound waves of different frequencies through headphones into each ear to produce brainwave entertainment.

4) Listening to or Playing A Musical Instrument: Listening allows more engagement of the brain associated with emotion, listening, motor skills and creativity. Improves the amount of neural response to stimuli for increased coordination and sensitivity (Might be useful for incorporating with motor skills)

Link : https://consciousnessliberty.com/unlock-your-genius-through-brain-synchronization/

5 Categories of Brain Wave Vibrational States

Alpha: Oscillates between 8 to 12hz

Alpha brainwave promotes creativity, problem-solving and a flow state or “getting into the zone”.

Link : https://consciousnessliberty.com/5-brainwave-states-you-should-know-about/



Based on my research, this is something that I am really interested to find out more about. Which are ways that I can enhance intelligence to promote creativity learning for people. It came to my surprise that brain synchronization can actually help with cognitive anxiety and mental health conditions and there are many ways to do so! Right now, I am currently researching on Binaural beats and there are many brain vibrational states but there is one vibrational states that promotes creativity, problem-solving which is the Alpha brain wave. More researching regarding how binaural beats actually helped with creativity learning but this is a good start !

#creative-learning #brain-synchronization


Mengfan Yang - Sun 15 March 2020, 1:47 pm
Modified: Sun 15 March 2020, 2:03 pm


World cafe

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In the world cafe, we have developed a variety of ideas.

round 1 context

round 2 audience & domain

round 3 refine

In the first two rounds, we tried to broaden our thinking and think of more possibilities for the theme. In the third round, we started to chose an attractive idea to refine it. I post these results below.

In fact, in the process, I felt that I had misunderstood many concepts, which affected the progress of our third round. Each round is only 15 minutes, which is not enough for discussion. I need more time to think about topics that interest me.

After the world cafe, I have chosen the aspect of body control as my favorite theme.


Mobile sharing

In Wednesday's contact, a graduate from UQ shared his interview experience. He pointed out the importance of self-introduction. The unique personality can attract others to hire you.

The sentences like:

My name is...

I am unique because...

can help us describe ourselves.

Team formation and ideation

After that, I had the first meeting with my team members. We have shared our contact details and build our team chart quickly. And we also have started generated our initial concept based on the inspirations from our classmates and brainstorm.



As you can see, we tried to expand our thoughts. Because our theme is related to body control, we listed the composition of the body and what it can do. We want to create an interesting interaction by doing this. And also, we found some inspirations from the internet and add some themes we want to explore more in the future.

Future work

We plan to narrow down our ideas and prepare for the presentation next week. We will use the concept map to find the ideal concept and develop it more detailed.

ideation prensentation preparation

Week 3 Reflection

Aizel Redulla - Sat 14 March 2020, 8:57 pm
Modified: Sat 14 March 2020, 8:58 pm

Work Done & How it Relates

World Cafe

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Round 1: Exploring the theme/domain

Round 2: Audience/Context

Round 3: Refining a concept

I should have taken more photos but from the top of my head, I was at Enhancing Mundane Spaces(also host), Musical Things, Creative Learning(also host), and Body as Controller. I think the tables that most excited me were Creative Learning and Enhancing Mundane Spaces because we came up with some really cool concepts.

One of the concepts was finding a way to make grocery shopping less boring and Mario-Kartifying the trolleys was proposed. Another concept was a 360 degree see-saw plaything which was adapting the Chroma concept to help children learn how to work as a team and achieve a specific colour. We played with the scale of it and exhausted the idea so moved onto refining another concept. We then looked at how Mort could be improved to not just teach morse code. I thought Mort might be a great personified grammar helper that would teach children proper grammar and sentence structure by instructing them to produce a sentence with a Subject, Verb, Object, or sayign a sentence and telling the user to pull a specific leg when the word is a Noun, Verb, etc.

In Musical Things, there was a lot of talk about showing music as more than just sound so having it as a vibration, visual effects, and having music as a community experience for all to enjoy and not just professionals. The main experience that influence my thoughts in this space was when I got out of high school (I was a band geek) and realised I couldn't join a band unless I was studying music professionally or doing the music courses at UQ as an elective (in addition to auditioning).

There were some really awesome discussions during the World Cafe and I liked that we could visualise the idea on the paper even if we couldn't find the words for what we had in mind. I noticed there were some rounds that were a bit quiet at the start but once we had a spark flowing it was very lively. The conversation dying down was a pretty good indicator that we could probably talk about a different concept or prompt-question.

At the end of the World Cafe, we put our preferences in and waited for the results of teams to be announced the next day. I put my preferences down as

  1. Creative Learning
  2. Enhancing Mundane Spaces
  3. Musical Things

I know at the start of the semester I was keen to move away from the "educational" theme of my previous projects but I think I have to accept that I'll always be passionate about helping others realise that learning is enjoyable. There were also a few people in each theme that I was keen to work with and I didn't put my preferences down immediately because I wanted to kindof scope out who else was interested in the same themes as me.

Bash Isai - Guest Speaker

On Wednesday morning, Bash Isai zoomed in from London where it was 11pm there. He told us some really useful career/life advice about selling yourself as a very hire-able employee and being the one that can lessen the stress of the person hiring.

We completed an activity which involved describing ourselves in 50 words, then crossing them out gradually until it got down to one word. My word was analyse. I think it represents me best because I like to gather information before making decisions regardless of whether it's work-related or in daily life. I am the type of person that will watch 27484473 review videos of the thing I'm considering buying, and I tend to straight up ask my friends what they want for their birthday instead of taking the risk that they won't like what they get.

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This activity was pretty useful because I did another video interview the day after and I was able to pivot my answers better as an employable candidate. Still scary and terrifying to do those recorded video interviews but I guess it only gets better with practice and over a long long period of time.

Team (Four)mation

Team allocations were released after the morning break and I ended up being in Team 4 with Nelson, Summer and Rhea with the theme of Creative Learning. We spent until lunch getting to know each other and writing up our team agreement. Our skills are spread out and I'm looking forward to working together to create something really cool. I said I was good at documentation and we all agreed that communication is really fundamental. It was helpful to talk about our past group experiences and the issues we faced in them, as well as discuss our work tendencies and productive periods in the day. We all like when goals are met and like to have the motivation and pressure of milestones and deadlines with the flexibility to change depending on circumstances and factors (which is where communication plays a vital role).

Lorna went through the methods and what we needed to do for next week, then we went off to lunch.

After the lunch break we finalised the terms of our team agreement and thought about possible concepts we could explore in the space of Creative Learning. I told them about my two ideas of Mort as a grammar/sentence structure buddy and Chroma as a 3D interactive seesaw thing. Summer had a really interesting take on the pressure feature of Chroma where students could have a pressure sensitive button that they could press to help the teacher understand how confused they are about the content in the classroom. If the student presses harder, they are more confused. It would reflect the cognitive pressure on the student without "outing" them to the class, thereby helping shy students who might not be brave enough to raise their hand and ask for help.

We also signed up to present 2nd on Tuesday. Our team name is still yet to be determined but we joked about keeping it as Team 4 or calling ourselves 3+1 (because it equals 4, and also because that's how many girls and guys we have).

Since there wasn't enough time to discuss all the concepts we wanted to, we set aside some work to think of some concepts and discuss them on Monday. I thought of an Art Abstraction concept where 3D shapes are magnetised and can produce "real life" images when the user combines the shapes and sees them through an AR lens. Initially this meeting on Monday was going to be on campus but Rhea suggested doing it remotely due to the CoVid-19 situation so we've got a Zoom link set up and our Google Document for the Idea Discussion.

Gluing my box together

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I decided to grab Weldbond Universal Adhesive from Bunnings instead of braving the grounds of UQ Innovate to glue my box together. The main factors that contributed to this decision were my wariness for going to campus more than necessary and the non-toxic aspect of the glue. I did do some research into the best glues for acrylic, which mainly said acrylics require solvents to chemically bond the acrylic pieces together. For the purpose of this box, which is now nicely adorning the TV unit, I figured that the universal adhesive would be fine.

Work To Do

  • Team Meeting (Monday 12PM through Zoom) to discuss concepts and finalise one for the concept proposal in class on Tuesday Session 1 (9:30)
  • Team name! and charter (which is 98% complete, just needs signatures)
  • Sketch/props to be gathered and brought
  • Proposal & critiques of other team concepts

Work That Inspired Me

I first came across this designer through a documentary series on Netflix. Her work inspires me because she puts a lot of effort into making sure kids keep their creativity flowing and imagination growing. I like the way she thinks and how she doesn't just target a specific gender or way of thinking when she designs the toys.

week3 team4 creativelearning worldcafe

Reflection (Week 3)

Shao Tan - Fri 13 March 2020, 8:25 pm
Modified: Fri 13 March 2020, 8:27 pm

World Cafe

This Tuesday we did the world cafe activity where we went around to different tables with different themes and brainstormed about the context, the audience/domain and how we can refine the projects.

It was nice to see different opinions on topics and ideas that I would never have thought of. Through hosting, I found out that even if the first group of people thought that nothing could be added in an idea anymore, another group of people will come and have other interesting ideas to add to it. My favorite idea of a topic was for Musical Things. When I got to the table, there was already an idea of a mat with blocks on it that represents the pitch, volume and rhythm. We tried to upgrade the idea to make it different and more sci-fi. We changed the mat into an alien world landscape with the blocks that the user would stack as buildings. The music timeline indicator is an alien that would run through the buildings controlled by the user to play the song. This would be a nice way of composing music while designing a landscape and interacting with the music.

The topics that I was interested in after the world cafe were Sassy Tech, Musical Things and Creative Learning, which were my preferences for the team formation.

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Group Formation

On Wednesday, I got in a team of my first choice - Sassy tech which I am really happy about. In our group, we looked at all the project inspirations related to our theme and the one that stood out the most was the Secret Handshake Lock idea. We thought about taking the arm, giving it a personality and putting it on other things. We also did brainstorming on places where we could attach an arm on.

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We then went online to search on existing ideas of mechanical, robotic arms and I found a Youtube channel of a woman named Simone Gertz who is named "the queen of shitty robots". She puts weird robotic arms on things like the Plastic Hand Alarm that wakes you up by slapping you and the Iphone Arms that run away from you. I then got an idea of an arm that helps slaps people away and shoots water out of its fingertips if they got in your personal space.

worldcafe #sassytech #roboticarm

Week 3: Project Inspiration Refinement - Kitchen Kriminal Rekaptured

Amraj Singh Sukhdev Singh - Thu 12 March 2020, 5:45 pm
Modified: Thu 12 March 2020, 5:56 pm


A social robot that consists of a knife, app and "scanner" for use in the kitchen, to improve your cooking skills. An increasing amount of people have trouble learning to cook the later it is that they start[1], and this idea intends to be an intervention into that space.


Select your recipe, then simply go through it step-by-step until the meal is complete. As you progress through cutting things apart to use for cooking, an LED indicator on the knife, and the "face" (and speaker) on the scanner indicate if you're "doing it right".

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The scanner and knife sensors record your actions. Afterward, you review what you've done against what was expected of you, on your smartphone. This pushes the cook to consider what they can improve on the next time they work on the same meal.

This concept focuses only on the aspect of cooking using the knife correctly (for now), and because there's a variety of ingredients one might cut, it wont be a single use tool, unlike the initial concept.

Project Inspiration

When previously volunteering at a homeless shelter, a common issue is that older volunteers need to teach new ones how to cook. This led me to the thought - surely there's apps and tools already developed to do just this?

Cooking Mama is a game game that teaches one how to cook. However, it only teaches the steps to take, and doesn't improve your physical dexterity and safety awareness with cooking tools.

Previously I stated the idea of "smart cooking tools doing everything for you" being something I wanted to avoid, I've found an example of one here. Sure, the Kuvings blender makes it extremely easy to cook and disassemble materials... but there's no room to make a mistake or chances to fail... it just feels like the blender replaces you.

At the same time, Peeqo inspired the scanner, with the idea of a small device that watches you and has reactions that can change how you act... it sasses you essentially.

With Rekaptured, the idea is that you go on cooking as you always have, and there's additions to your process that don't overwhelm you - and the opportunity for you to mess up your meal. You're collaborating with the tool to complete a somewhat complex task.

Initially the concept revolved around the knife talking to you. But cooking environments can be loud and chaotic, it was important that feedback had both a visual and audio indicator (angry and happy tones on scanner), and, that if there was talking, it could be ignored while cooking.

Feedback also needed to be able to be revisited later. In this case, if a mistake is made, the scanner and knife react, so the cook knows to check the app later to see what went wrong, and can reflect.

[1] (Background reading on learning to cook)

F. Lavelle et al, “Learning cooking skills at different ages: a cross-sectional study,” International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, vol. 13, no. 1, 2016. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-016-0446-y

kitchen #socialrobots #smartdevices #sassytech #cookingutensils

Week 3: Reflection on Project Inspo Feedback - Smart Wardrobe

Aizel Redulla - Mon 9 March 2020, 9:48 pm


I've gone through the feedback (both Peer & Staff) and it gave me more perspective on features that could extend the concept and problems that it might face. For example, there is already technology that exists to show trying clothes on and standing in front of a mirror isn't very physically interactive. Maybe a way to improve this aspect would be to "humanise" the wardrobe so that the interaction isn't passive?

Another interesting point of view was that suggesting outfits might actually constrict creativity. Some people find joy in trying on outfits themselves and experimenting with that, so offering it as an option rather than a default might be more helpful if the concept was targeting a larger audience.

I think the core focus of the concept lies in its roots of slow fashion and sustainability. I didn't get to elaborate on how the wardrobe would count the number of times an item is worn in my pitch and I think this made my peers doubt whether the concept had a variety of novel interactions. Maybe voice and facial expressions would be better input to teach the wardrobe how the user feels about specific outfits or styles of clothing. If the wardrobe learns what materials and colours the user likes (using surveying and statistics) then it would be able to take that into consideration when reevaluating the user's wardrobe and suggesting which items could be donated and which items the user might want to wear after a while. I'm envisioning a situation of hangers having weight/motion sensors or the user's clothes having unique tags on them. Perhaps in a prototype it would just be barcodes or QR codes.

I think there is a lot of existing technology that would be able to prototype this concept really well since the sensor part of it could borrow tech from large scale department stores that have to keep track of inventory, but it still has a lot of potential to explore the unknown.

Hopefully in the world cafe activity tomorrow I can flesh out some more improvements not just on my own concept but on all the other ideas.

smartwardrobe sustainability slowfashion week3 projectinspiration

[Week1 - Post 3] - Card Ideation

Sigurd Soerensen - Mon 9 March 2020, 7:23 pm
Modified: Tue 31 March 2020, 3:35 pm

The card ideation method was a new and exciting approach to me. Our table came up with some fun ideas, although most of them were toilet-related due to the cards we drew.

However, I feel our creativity was limited by having to stick with the first cards until they had been exhausted. This issue became especially apparent when we were supposed to do the same task individually, where most of us had one or two weird words that didn't make sense in that context or cards that had words that didn't make much sense at all. Even though I am fond of ideation methods, I've noticed that in most subjects this far, we have not used any ideas after we came up with them. I believe this is for the simple reason that they are either not captivating enough as a concept or not feasible, making the ideation process somewhat wasteful. I'm hoping that this will not be the case for this subject.

In the end, we did decide to present the idea of a mechanical plant that would die as you are wasteful with water in your home; A simple but intriguing concept. This concept came to be when we ideated on the sentence "Design for enlighten in a bathroom using ridged with quality of detached". The idea is enlightening due to how it visually represents your water consumption with a familiar, easy to grasp metaphor, that of a plant dying, which equals bad. Although the plant isn't required to be in a bathroom, this is where the idea originated. The mechanical aspect of the plant came from the ridged requirement, and the plant itself can be picked up and moved around, hence fulfilling the detached requirement. We did continue to ideate on the concept with a new card reading semi-trailer instead of a bathroom, as we felt like we wanted to ideate something else than bathroom ideas, but eventually, after voting, ended up presenting the original idea to the class.

All images can be viewed here if not shown below.

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week1 cardideation

Project Ideation

Shao Tan - Fri 6 March 2020, 10:14 am
Modified: Fri 6 March 2020, 10:15 am

Project Inspirations Ideas

I had a few different ideas for my project inspiration presentation and these are the ones that did not make the final cut.



p.s. I used the third idea (bottom right) as my final project inspiration.

I was browsing through the internet to see whether any of my ideas already existed when I found a shoe that is similar to my first idea.

GPS Shoe


The shoe has LEDs in the toes of the shoes. The LED lights on the left shoe point the wearer to their destination and the right shoe shows the distance.




For these ideas, I designed them with introverts in mind. Some introverts have trouble communicating with other people and some of them want alone time and a personal space for themselves.

projectinspiration #ideas #smartshoes #introverts
